Friday, February 6, 2015

Honor Ronald Reagan's Birthday

A timely post about from about Ronald Reagan's birthday. This follows this post about DeflateGate.
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Honor Ronald Reagan's Birthday

Posted by Cheri Cerame

In honor of President Reagan's birthday today, we ask our Twitter and Facebook fans to tell your friends why YOU miss President Reagan.
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For example: 
1. Unlike Obama, Reagan never apologized for America's greatness. @yaf #RRBDay
2. Unlike Obama, Reagan cut tax rates. @yaf #RRBDay
3. Unlike Obama, Reagan believed government was not the solution to the problem. Government was the problem. @yaf #RRBDay
4. Unlike Obama, Reagan never genuflected to foreign leaders. @yaf #RRBDay
5. Unlike Obama, the income growth of the Reagan years boosted the fortunes of Americans at all income levels. @yaf #RRBday

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