Wednesday, June 11, 2014

VIDEO: Palestinian Muslim Grocery Store Owner “Wins” Lottery 4 TIMES in 1 DAY; Muslim Store Owners are 80% of Top Lottery “Winners”

An interesting article from about Muslim lottery winners. This follows this post about the Taliban released from Guantanamo Bay
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VIDEO: Palestinian Muslim Grocery Store Owner “Wins” Lottery 4 TIMES in 1 DAY; Muslim Store Owners are 80% of Top Lottery “Winners”

By Debbie Schlussel
It is clearly Islomophobia to question the luck of Jamil Hamad, the Palestinian Muslim owner of the Holy Land Grocery in Winter Haven, Florida. After all, when he won the scratch-off lottery jackpot four times in one day (beating odds of 30,000 to one in each of the four times) and two times in one day each in January and February, it can only be because allah was smiling on him, and to suggest otherwise is bigotry. I mean, he would never ever cheat the system or rip off lottery winner customers who actually had the winning ticket and tell them they were losers, right? Good, honest, decent Muslims never screw the infidel, figuratively (or literally). Never ever ever. No way this is lottery jihad. It can only be that Muslims are preferred by allah, and that is the reason that Muslim grocery store owners dominate the nine grocery store owners who make up the top ten list of Florida scratch-off lottery winners. Forget “Luck O’ the Irish.” This is clearly “Luck of the Muslims,” and it doesn’t matter if statistics show that this could never legitimately happen. Statistics, al-shmatistics. Watch the video:


Muslims Dominate the Lottery Scam Biz
That report by Matt Gutman and ABC News piggybacked off a local ABC News reporter Adam Walser. See his video report, below:

From Walser’s report:

Tampa store owner Mujahed Elbooz also won repeatedly, claiming $5,000 and $10,000 prizes in back to back months. The odds of each of those wins is 1 in 60,000.
Well, Mujahed is the Islamic and Arabic word for a jihadist. And this is financial jihad against the infidels.
This isn’t the first time I’ve documented Muslim and Arab convenience store and gas station owners who’ve won the lottery (see here and here), usually by ripping off customers or otherwise cheating the system. It won’t be the last. And remember Andy and Nayel Ashkar, who “won” $5 million in the scratch-off lottery by ripping off customers in New York?
This isn’t a Florida story. It’s an Islam-in-America story. But you can’t say anything about it, as reporter Matt Gutman clearly didn’t. Notice that the words, “Muslim,” “Arab,” or “Palestinian” were never mentioned in Gutman’s story, nor were the other names on the top ten list of scratch-off winners because most of them are Muslim names–see below, even though they are clearly relevant. Relevant because, in Islam, anytime you cheat the infidels or their governments out of money, it is extra special “halal money.”
Got that? I’m sure Abdullah Bergdahl knows about it after five years of, um, “education.”
By the way, Walser put the list of names of the top ten scratch-off lottery winners in the Tampa area of Florida, and, again, almost all of them are Arab Muslims (a number of them Palestinians–which I can tell from the names):
1) Jamil Hamad, Lake Alfred [DS: Palestinian Muslim]
2) Abed Hamad, St. Petersburg [Muslim]
3) Ahmed Sameer Sabobeh, Sarasota [Muslim]
4) Maher Zuhdi AlBarghuthi, St. Petersburg [Palestinian Muslim]
5) Timothy Sean Keefe, Hudson
6) Prashant R. Kothari, Seminole
7) Sulwan Rehman Atta, Tampa [Muslim]
8) Chirag Parmar, Seminole [Muslim or Indian Other]
9) Husam Amin Ghnaim, Bradenton [Muslim, Almost Certainly Palestinian]
10) Mujahed Elbooz, Tampa [Muslim]
“Religion of Peace” . . . and lottery scammers. Alhamdillullah [praise allah] and the complacent, lulled infidels who look the other way as this happens.
Exit Question: how much of that scratch-off money went to “zakat” (Islamic charity) to HAMAS, back home?
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