Friday, June 27, 2014

How POTUS and Hillary Opened The Door To The Return Of Al Qaeda To Iraq

An interesting article from about the President's failures in dealing with Iraq. This follows this post about a particular group in the recent flood of illegal immigrants. You can follow me at blogspot here and at twitter here Please consider following both in case one goes down!

How POTUS and Hillary Opened The Door To The Return Of Al Qaeda To Iraq

 |  posted by Hugh Hewitt

My Monday Washington Examiner column is on the consequences of the failure of President Obama and then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to secure a Status of Forces Agreement with Iraq in 2011.

The consequences are terrible for the people of Iraq, for its neighbors and eventually for us.  There is no rewriting the hard facts of history as both the president and Hillary attempted to do last week.  Bolting Iraq completely without leaving a residual force to provide the glue to keep Iraq’s army together and the resurgence of Al Qaeda in Iraq was a massive strategic error.  Team Obama didn’t see that then, but then again it sees nothing that isn’t obviously in its own political best interests.
The Washington Post notes the weekend’s developments:
The latest conquests give the radical Sunni Muslim insurgents unchecked control of hundreds of miles of territory spanning the Iraqi-Syrian border, erasing the line drawn between the two countries by colonial powers and advancing the extremists’ goal of establishing a pan-Islamic state.
This is the key Obama-Clinton legacy:  Undoing George W. Bush’s major achievement and allowing al Qaeda a base in which to grow and from which to metastasize.

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