Monday, January 14, 2013

Barack Obama: Epic Fail!!

A very interesting post from about the Epic Failure of this presidency. This follows this post about the Keystone Pipeline and how it can help American Jobs and Secutity.    This follows this post about a race hoax at U.T. Austin.  This follows this post about Emmit Till. In the meantime, you can read a very interesting book HERE.

Since 2008, we are poorer, weaker, less respected, and less free
    We were promised economic growth. Instead we received:

• Skyrocketing unemployment, especially among young people

• Disastrous federal spending and federal takeovers

We were promised we would be safer. Instead we have:

• A weak, hapless foreign policy, driven by our President’s narcissism

• A confused military as President Obama hesitates to define a clear strategy to win in Afghanistan

• Emboldened our enemies as President Obama refused to acknowledge we are at war against radical jihadists

We were promised international respect. Instead we:

• Were made an international laughingstock as the President ignored Iran’s abuses of individual rights and slaughtering of their own people

• Watched our President bow down before dictators

• Received a “sorry, we’re not interested” from the International Olympic Committee

We were promised transparency. Instead we received:

• A corrupt Chicago-style political machine, with unprecedented influence by lobbyists

• Secret, backroom scheming without promised

C-SPAN coverage

• Sweetheart deals for big labor and pharmaceutical companies that do President Obama’s bidding

• Countless czars appointed to high-level positions without Congressional vetting and confirmation

• A radical socialist philosophy and agenda

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