Monday, July 2, 2012

The Freedom Outlaws Handbook 179 Things To Do 'Til The Revolution

A very interesting book reviewe from analyzing what citizens might think about doing if they feel their government, such as the Supreme Court or Presidency,  is not representing them. This follows this post about a novel describing unchecked immigration. This follows this post referencing a book about the Supreme Court by Mark Levin.   This follows this post about Marco Rubio's DREAM Act. This follows this post about the Black Caucus hurting Black Americans with their immigration stand. This follows this post about how to Report Illegal Immigrants! For more that you can do to get involved click HERE and you can read another very interesting book HERE!

The Freedom Outlaws Handbook

179 Things To Do 'Til The Revolution

by Claire Wolfe

"The ideal citizen of a tyrannical state is the man or woman who bows in silent obedience in exchange for the status of a well cared-for herd animal. Thinking people become the tyrant's greatest enemies." Claire Wolfe is back and has expanded her original 101 Things to Do 'til the Revolution to 179 thought-and-action items. Some will work for nearly anyone. Some will work for those who are more radical. Some are serious. Some are fun.

All of them will shore up the privacy barrier that's been eroded -- if not downright blasted away -- by the Patriot Act, corporate "Little Brotherism," and other laws and regulations. Better yet, Claire will inspire you to free your own Inner Outlaw and kick tyrant butt so you can win back freedom. The choices you make are up to you. But if you've been sitting back waiting for the water to get a little hotter before you jump out of the big government, total-control vat, Claire gives you 179 tools to help you plan and work.

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."

"This book is based on the premise that, when governments turn bad, the best people ultimately become criminal. The people don't change; the laws do. Initiative, dissent, individual pleasures, and exercise of one's basic rights become 'crimes'. Obscure (or in the case of the world today -- fear fueled) regulations and technical paperwork violations are used to destroy people who dare to speak their minds."

From the Table of Contents:

Get your private information out of the public eye...

Don't talk to strangers...

Don't get too hung up on financial security...

Never beg for your rights...

Don't let the government control your kids...

Get started with PGP...

Protect your medical privacy...

Assume all phones are tapped and the Internet, too...

Instead of television...

Simple alternative to health insurance...

Community: the most radical idea...

Your three-day grab-and-go kit...

Stand up for people who stand up for their rights...

Find out what your drivers license says about you...

Hiding things in plain sight and so much more.

A must have for the serious freedom seeker...

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