Monday, December 12, 2011

Pelosi Calls Catholic Bishops “Lobbyists” For Obamacare Concerns

An interesting story from about Nancy Pelosi bashing her fellow Catholics. This follows this post about Planned Parenthood's difficulties this year.   For more that you can do to get involved click  HERE and you can also get a very interesting book HERE!

Pelosi Calls Catholic Bishops “Lobbyists” For Obamacare Concerns

Nancy Pelosi is simply unable to honor the Catholic Church to which she claims to be a member — as she has put her foot in her mouth again by claiming the nation’s Catholic bishops are lobbyists because they oppose an Obamacare mandate.

The Catholic bishops, and a considerable number of pro-life groups, are upset that the Obama administration is considering implementing a new rule regarding Obamacare and whether insurance companies will be forced to include birth control and drugs that can possibly cause abortions under “preventative care.”

The contraception mandate rule has drawn strong opposition from pro-life groups — in part because the religious exemption it contains is very narrow and could force certain Catholic and other religious groups to pay for insurance coverage for employees. They say that violates its conscience rights and religious views because of the birth control coverage and coverage for drugs like the morning after pill and ella that can cause abortions.

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