An urgent post from about immigration enforcement bills in Texas and North Carolina. This follows this post about E-verify and sanctuary cities bills in Texas. This follows this post about congressional redistricting and this follows this post which shows that there are 30,000 openly illegal immigrants in the border town of El Paso, where President Barack Obama recently bashed immigration enforcement! On a related note, you can read about Miss Kentucky Latina here, an interesting article about Jessica Alba here or another article about Salma Hayek here. For more that you can do to get involved click HERE and you can read a very interesting book HERE!
Full ALIPAC Deployment Needed in Texas and NC ASAP
Friends of ALIPAC,
It is very important that we add every state we can to the list of states cracking down on illegal immigration in 2011! Right now the states of Arizona, Indiana, South Carolina, Georgia, and Alabama have taken strong action to fight illegal immigration.
Today, we are close to adding North Carolina and Texas to that list. We must all work very hard to stop the illegal alien invasion supporters from defeating or gutting our bills.
Building this list up increases our chances of success in all states.
We need ALIPAC volunteers from all 50 states to dedicate the time and take action immediately....
Please take the following steps immediately. (Work on the state closest to you first Ex. In CA, call Texas first then move on NC. In VA call NC first them move on Texas)
Step 1: Contact as many members of the Texas state house early today to support SB 9, which would end illegal alien sanctuary cities across Texas. This bill would prohibit cities from refusing to work with immigration enforcement out of Washington.
Sample Message "I am calling / writing today to ask Representative ______ to support SB 9 which would end illegal alien sanctuary cities in Texas. Many Texans have been killed or victimized in other ways by illegal immigrants who have walked in and out of Texas jails without deportation and this is due to sanctuary policies like those in Houston and Dallas. Please vote to protect American jobs, taxpayer resources, and lives by supporting and passing SB 9.
Texas House contact info
Step 2: Call and write as many targeted members of the NC General Assembly who serve on committees that are hearing our bills today!
Sample Message 1: "I'm calling/writing to ask Senator _____ to please support and vote for HB 36 in the Senate Commerce Committee today. Please DO NOT allow anyone to defeat or weaken this bill. NC has a 10% unemployment rate and we need every job for American citizens we can get. HB 36 would require larger employers to use the E-Verify system for new hires to prevent illegal aliens from stealing needed jobs. Please support this American jobs bill and send HB 36 to the senate floor as it is currently written"
Please focus your calls and emails on the 29 members of the commerce committee found at this link. They will vote on HB 36 later today!
Commerce Committee contact list (click on names for emails and phone numbers)
Sample Message 2
"Dear Representative ______, please support and vote for S 205 "No Benefits for Illegal Aliens." bill before you today in the House Rules Committee. Illegal aliens are currently receiving welfare benefits, food assistance, and even housing assistance in NC, at a time when our state and federal budgets are in the hole! Please speak out and pass S 205 today as polls indicate that over 80% of North Carolinians support this measure."
Focus your calls and emails on the representatives who serve on the Rules Committee
Rules Committee contact info (click on names for emails and numbers)
A. Remember to stay professional at all times.
B. Remember that illegal alien supporters are calling these lawmakers today and working against Americans like us.
C. Remember to make calls, calls, calls! Calls are your most effective tool. If you only send emails without making calls you are greatly reducing your impact. Follow ALIPAC's proven strategy of creating your own distinct message, personalizing each message, calling in your message, then reinforcing your call with an email or fax.
D. Do not send bulk emails to all lawmakers at once. Bulk emails to lawmakers have low impact and are often deleted or even blocked by spam filters.
We need a lot of calls and emails flying fast and furiously today into Texas and North Carolina!
We need victories in these states to create national momentum for more states in 2011!
Let's roll!
PS: Any questions, feedback, or reports from TX or NC lawmaker offices? Please post at this activism tracking link...
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