An interesting post from about actions you can do in June to stop amnesty. This follows this post about a TEA party member who got assaulted and this post about the MURDER of ROBERT KRENTZ, who the protestors and boycotters won't give a solution for, but will call Americans racist for trying to prevent another MURDER, and this post which shows that there are 30,000 openly illegal immigrants in the border town of El Paso across from the recent Juarez shooting. For more interesting stories like this click here to follow this blog.
Tell your Senators to STOP AMNESTY!
June 2010 is a key month in our year-long Amnesty fight. We have an excellent opportunity to push Amnesty back this summer. Our target is the Senate, we are putting major resources behind our S.T.O.P. AMNESTY in 2010! Countdown to Independence Day campaign, and we need your help!
ACTION 1 – Read Read Chad MacDonald’s blog “Immigration Reform? Divide and Piecemeal.” and join in the conversation.
ACTION 2 – Phone & Fax Check, watch and clear your ACTION BOARD for Phone Notes, Fax Notes, and Action Notes.
ACTION 3 – Scheduled Office Visit Make a Date with your Senators! Get on their calendars. Get started today: • Today: Contact your Senators' offices. Ask for their office scheduler. Ask to schedule an appointment with their staff in the next 3 weeks. YES, I WILL ATTEND A MEETING!
ACTION 4 – Drop Off Office Visit Drop off your Stop Amnesty letter at your Senators' local offices:
• Thursday June 17th, we are asking dads to drop by a local office with the enclosed talking points, letter, and immigration information. Dads, please print this letter, fill it out, sign it and deliver to your Senators' offices on June 17.
• Thursday June 24th, we are asking moms to stop by a local office with the enclosed talking points, letter, and immigration information. Moms, please print this letter, fill it out, sign it and deliver to your Senators' offices on June 24.
• Tuesday June 29th, we are asking all NumbersUSA members available to stop by a local office with the above information. June 29th will mark one month before Arizona’s SB1070 goes into effect.
Please print this letter , fill it out, sign it and deliver to your Senators' offices on June 29.
Email Eliano Younes at if you are available for any of these office visits, or would like to assist us.
We need your help to S.T.O.P. AMNESTY in 2010! This includes the DREAM Act and AgJobs amnesties the Senate may try to sneak in this year.
1. Have you read the 26-page Reid/Schumer/Menendez amnesty proposal. It has been widely discussed in the media, and if not I’m happy to send it to you. Do you support this framework in its current form?
2. Will you commit to opposing and voting against the Reid/Schumer/Menendez framework if it comes to the Senate floor as a bill?
3. I am representing 64,080 Constituents who believe that new US jobs should go to the 15 million unemployed American and legal immigrant workers and who expect the Senator to vote against any effort to provide amnesty to illegal aliens who have broken our laws.
4. Will you commit to cosponsoring Sen. Mark Pryor’s SAVE Act to secure the borders, stop employers from hiring illegal aliens, and increase interior enforcement?
5. If the DREAM Act Amnesty comes to the Senate Floor on its own, will you oppose it? The bill is replete with loopholes to grant amnesties to millions of illegal immigrants and will result in massive chain migration that will increase competition for America's unemployed workers.
Please print this letter, fill it out, and sign it. Bring it with you to your office visit along with a copy of our DREAM Act Fact Sheet and AgJobs Fact Sheets.
Also, please print the Senators' NumbersUSA Report Cards and bring them with you! Please email Eliano to help or to provide feedback after any visits!
Thank you for your grassroots activism and supporting NumbersUSA to help S.T.O.P. AMNESTY in 2010!
GOOD FOR AMERICA: The enemy within is now the Democrat Party
Keep up the good work, Democrats. You’ve managed to offend millions in your
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