An interesting post from about the 2010 Census. This follows this post about actions you can do in June to stop amnesty and this post about the MURDER of ROBERT KRENTZ, who the protestors and boycotters won't give a solution for, but will call Americans racist for trying to prevent another MURDER, and this post which shows that there are 30,000 openly illegal immigrants in the border town of El Paso across from the recent Juarez shooting. For more interesting stories like this click here to follow this blog.
Memo From Middle America (Formerly Known As Memo From Mexico), By Allan Wall
2010 Census Already Politically Correct—But Mexico Is Meddling Anyway
It’s the year 2010, so it’s census time again. Have you filled out your census form? I have, and according to the census website, 72% of U.S. residents (not all legal, by the way) have done so.
The constitutional basis for the U.S. census is found in the U.S. Constitution, Article 1, Section 2. In that section it is related to the calculation of "Representatives and direct taxes".
The first national census under the constitution was the census of 1790. My great-great-great-great-great grandfather Jacob Wall was counted in that census. What if my ancestor could travel through time 220 years and see today’s census, what would he think of it? What do we think of it?
Whereas the original census existed for purposes of taxation and representation, the taxation part has been superseded by the 16th Amendment and now a whole slew of other purposes have been added on to the decennial census.
Now it’s not enough to just carry out the census. As VDARE.COM's Brenda Walker has pointed out, the Census Bureau is spending $133 million on "marketing and outreach".
Today’s census has become a tool for the bloated and indebted Federal Government Leviathan to dole out billions of dollars. It’s also a tool for the dispossession of America’s historic white, English-speaking majority.
Check out the Census website to see what I mean.
To begin with, if you don’t speak English, don’t worry. You can obtain information (in video and audio) on the census in all sorts of languages, including Albanian, Arabic, Gujarati, Cambodian and Turkish.
Here’s what it says in the section of the website entitled
How it [the Census] Affects the Nation :
"Census information affects the numbers of seats your state occupies in the U.S. House of Representatives. [That’s the only constitutional purpose of the census. Here’s the rest…]"
"And people from many walks of life use census data to advocate for causes, rescue disaster victims, prevent diseases, research markets, locate pools of skilled workers and more."
"When you do the math, it's easy to see what an accurate count of residents can do for your community. Better infrastructure. More services. A brighter tomorrow for everyone. In fact, the information the census collects helps to determine how more than $400 billion dollars of federal funding each year is spent on infrastructure and services like: Hospitals, Job training centers, Schools, Senior centers, Bridges, tunnels and other-public works projects, Emergency services."
The Census form further justifies itself by explaining to the user why the various nosy questions are important. Let’s look at some of these explanations in detail:
Question #3: Housing Ownership: "Homeownership rates serve as an indicator of the nation’s economy. The data are also used to administer housing programs and to inform planning decisions."
"Planning decisions" like the disastrous bipartisan obsession with pushing subprime mortgages onto uncreditworthy minority homebuyers?
Question #6: Gender (Still only two choices—male or female. By 2020 there may be more. And the Queer the Census movement wants a question on the census form about lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender identity.)
"Census data about sex are important because many federal programs must differentiate between males and females for funding, implementing and evaluating their programs. For instance, laws promoting equal employment opportunity for women require census data on sex."
[More government meddling and social engineering, in other words].
Question #7 Age and Date of Birth: "Federal, state, and local governments need data about age to interpret most social and economic characteristics, such as forecasting the number of people eligible for Social Security or Medicare benefits. The data are widely used in planning and evaluating government programs and policies that provide funds or services for children, working-age adults, women of childbearing age, or the older population."
[How did we, as a nation allow our government to get involved in all this?]
Question #8—Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish Origin?
"Asked since 1970. The data collected in this question are needed by federal agencies to monitor compliance with anti-discrimination provisions, such as under the Voting Rights Act and the Civil Rights Act. State and local governments may use the data to help plan and administer bilingual programs for people of Hispanic origin."
[Isn’t knowing English a requirement for naturalization?]
Question #9 Race "Race is key to implementing many federal laws and is needed to monitor compliance with the Voting Rights Act and the Civil Rights Act. State governments use the data to determine congressional, state and local voting districts. [racial gerrymandering] Race data are also used to assess fairness of employment practices, to monitor racial disparities in characteristics such as health and education and to plan and obtain funds for public services."
[More Big Government Social Engineering and anti-white Affirmative Action.]
If you haven’t already, be sure and read Steve Sailer’s How Race, Ethnicity Questions On Census Boost Anti-White Quotas, which explains how the census is rigged against the English-speaking white majority of our country.
After the census returns are tabulated, expect a lot of crowing about how great it is that whites are losing their majority status.
And read this Sailer article about the whole "Hispanic" category. Hispanics are now considered America’s only official ethnicity—the historical white and black populations are now defined negatively as
The whole "Hispanic" ethnicity is rigged to include people of various races who either speak Spanish or whose ancestors come from a Spanish-speaking country (even if they themselves don’t speak Spanish).
In recent years, more Mexican Indians (some of whom don’t even speak Spanish) have migrated to the U.S.
So in the 2010 census, for the first time, "Indigenous Immigrants" will be separately counted. Who are "Indigenous Immigrants"? Isn’t that a contradiction in terms?
Yes it is, but as we see with the Hispanic category, logic is not the strong suit of the people who think these things up. Undermining the historic American nation is.
"Indigenous Immigrants" are American Indians from Latin America. Which means they aren’t indigenous to this country.
According to 2010 Census Counts Indigenous Immigrants [by Juliana Barbassa and Manuel Valdes, AP, January 4, 2010]:
"In the 2010 Census, the bureau will tabulate handwritten entries specifying that the respondent belongs to a Central American indigenous group such Maya, Nahua, Mixtec, or Purepecha. The list of different populations that end up being counted will be made public when results are released in 2011, said Michele Lowe, spokeswoman for the Census Bureau."
There’s taxpayer money involved of course :
"Oralia Maceda, a Mixtec community organizer with the Binational Center, told a recent gathering of indigenous women in the rural Central Valley town of Madera, Calif., that the tally can have implications for their everyday lives. Census data will help determine how more than $300 billion in federal funds are distributed to state and local governments each year."
The Census Bureau is promoting this :
"The Census recommends indigenous immigrants from Latin America choose "American Indian or Alaska Native" as their race, then write in the name of their community. "If everyone agrees to put down Maya, the government will have an idea that in Bremerton [Washington] there's a group that is Maya that speaks a language that is not Spanish," she said."
So what about our own American Indians—the traditional tribes that are really native to this land? You know, the Cherokee, Navajo, Choctaw, etc., and our own David Yeagley’s Comanche tribe? What’s going to happen to these tribes and their longstanding treaty rights?
Will they someday get shoved aside in favor of the mass immigration and political recognition of "Indigenous Immigrants"? It’s certainly something to watch out for.
And speaking of watching out for something, the Mexican government is very interested in our census, and has been meddling in it since last year.
At the end of 2009, in his message to "the Mexican Community in the United States", Mexican Ambassador Arturo Sarukhan underscored the importance of the U.S. Census :
"Next year the United States census will be carried out, in which everybody in this country [the U.S.] Will be counted, including the foreigners ( regardless of their migratory status) . Based on the information obtained in the census, necessities will be determined and therefore, the budget that is assigned to local authorities for essential services for our community such as education and health. Besides, by means of the census the legislative districts that represent your community in the local [U.S.] legislatures and [U.S.] Congress are determined , where they discuss and approve the [U.S.] laws that affect your daily life. "
"In light of the preceding, the embassy and consular network of Mexico is collaborating with the Census Bureau and the Hispanic organizations in this country[what a combination] in an effort aimed at counting all the Hispanics in the U.S. Don’t forget that the Census Bureau has guaranteed that the information that is obtained in the census will be handled with the strictest confidentiality and will not be shared with any other government agency."
[Translation: Illegals, don’t worry!]
Mensaje del Embajador Arturo Sarukhan a la Comunidad Mexicana en Estados Unidos en ocasión del fin de año
Aren’t you glad to know that the Mexican government and the U.S. Hispanic organizations are partners with the Census Bureau in carrying out the census?
For example, this past spring
" … the Mexican consulate in Chicago installed an orientation module to help the immigrant community to fill out the 2010 Census Form…. The module is attended by qualified personnel that do not only help answer questions for the census , but that clarify doubts of Mexicans….."
"…. To participate in the census ….will benefit each Mexican and his community, regardless of the migratory status in which he finds himself."
Ayuda Consulado de México en Chicago a Contestar Censo 2010
El Financiero, March 25th, 2010
Chicago wasn’t the only place of course. In Arizona, for example, the Mexican consulate in Yuma used its "consulado móvil" (mobile consulate) and worked in conjunction with the U.S. Census Bureau to "help" us with our census.
Mexican agents/diplomats have been working on "our census" since last year at least. The consuls of Los Angeles and Miami got together in 2009 and prepared a document for the benefit of Mexicans in the U.S., stressing the fact that "The participation of Mexicans in the United States in the 2010 census will be fundamental for the assignment of up to 300 billion dollars annually in social programs during the next 10 years."
Why is the Mexican government, through its diplomatic apparatus, meddling in our census?
For one reason, they want to bilk the U.S. taxpayers out of billions of dollars to support Mexicans who are living in the U.S. That keeps them out of Mexico where the Mexican government might be expected to have some sort of responsibility for them.
Another purpose of meddling in the census is to get as many Mexicans as possible to be counted. That gives more clout to the Hispanic ethnicity, and especially to its organized leaders and to the Mexican government.
This will in turn makes more meddling possible in the future. Increased Mexican hegemony over the U.S.A. is the goal. It’s about power.
But what about our own government?
Our own government not only knows what’s going on—it is collaborating with the Mexican government. The Census Bureau has accepted the Mexican government as a partner in the implementation of our census.
Do you suppose that the Americans of the first census, in 1790, would have put up with this?
To ask the question is to answer it. Of course they wouldn’t have.
So why do we put up with it?
American citizen Allan Wall (email him) recently moved back to the U.S.A. after many years residing in Mexico. In 2005, Allan served a tour of duty in Iraq with the Texas Army National Guard. His VDARE.COM articles are archived here; his articles are archived here; his News With Views columns are archived here; and his website is here.
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