Monday, July 27, 2015

Momentum builds for Vote on the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act

An interesting story from about pro-life legislation in congress.This follows this post about Planned Parenthood selling baby body parts.For two very interesting books click HERE.
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Momentum builds for Vote on the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act

  • Friday, Charles Krauthammerwrote about the Planned Parenthood videos in The Washington Post. Krauthammer talks about the effects the videos will have on public perception in the abortion debate and then says, "This is a moment to press relentlessly for a national ban on late-term abortions."
  • Jill Stanek, long-time pro-life activist and new SBA List national campaign chair, appeared onEWTN News Nightly Thursday night to discuss the political implications of the Planned Parenthood videos for the Pain-Capable bill and upcoming elections.
  • The Hillreported on fears among pro-abortion Democrats that the backlash from the Planned Parenthood videos could turn into another situation like the one that resulted in the defunding of ACORN.
  • On Fox News, Brit Hume delivered an excellent commentary on abortion and the Planned Parenthood videos.
  • Also, be sure to watch Marjorie's Media Pick of the Week at The Pulse; pro-life presidential candidate Carly Fiorina did an excellent job going on offense in the face of hostile media.

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