Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Here's a chance to make your voice heard -- Tell your Representative to put American workers FIRST!

An interesting article from www.NumbersUSA.com about American workers. This follows this post about licenses and in-state tuition. This follows this post about the TPP. This follows this post about drought and immigration. This follows this post on HOW amnesty is funded in ways other than the DHS. Remember, “Amnesty” means ANY non-enforcement of existing immigration laws! This follows this comment and this post about how to Report Illegal Immigrants! Also, you can read two very interesting books HERE.
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Here's a chance to make your voice heard --  Tell your Representative to put American workers FIRST!

The United States gives new work permits to 1.5 million immigrants and other foreign workers each year -- not including those given to illegal aliens through Obama's executive actions. With millions of Americans struggling to find jobs, it's time to reduce these unnecessary foreign work visas and protect Americans.

Message Your Rep Today!
Here at NumbersUSA, we have a proven system that allows you to send our immigration messages (faxes/petitions) directly to your elected officials. Read more about our organization below!

Click Here to Read/Send
or click https://www.numbersusa.com/petition?id=16469

Also, you can check our your Action Board. It is personalized to you based on your Members of Congress and it links you to various actions you can take including phone calls, local office visits, and free faxes that we send on your behalf.

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