Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Amnesty Defense Plans in Motion: Rally To Us‏

A very interesting post from about attempts to stave off amnesty. This follows this post about Barack Obama going against the Supreme Court ruling on 1070.  This follows this post about Marco Rubio's DREAM Act. This follows this post about the Black Caucus hurting Black Americans with their immigration stand. This follows this post about how to Report Illegal Immigrants! For more that you can do to get involved click HERE and you can read this very interesting book HERE!

ALIPAC Amnesty Defense Plans in Motion: Rally To Us‏

Today we must rally and charge against Obama's dictatorial decree that is the Dream Act Amnesty we have defeated together many times.

Over 59% of Americans oppose the Dream Act Amnesty concept with only 22% supporting, according to a Rasmussen poll from 2007. There is a lot of propaganda being spread now that is designed to get you to lie down and submit, and if you fall for it, we are all doomed.

Come rally with us ALIPACers, and let us get on the phones today! We must call today as if a vote on Amnesty legislation could happen at any moment! The Amnesty traitors are hoping that you will grumble under your invisible yoke of slavery and then go back to sleep after Obama's orders.

Rise up and move as one!


We have a tough battle ahead in the US Senate! It is filled with arrogant Amnesty supporters like Harry Reid who were elected by illegal alien voters pouring out of the Nevada casinos into the voting booths. Many will not listen and those of you in California have it bad.

We need to saturate the US Senate with calls, emails, faxes, and letters today, demanding action against Obama's dictates and his Amnesty orders.

Step 1: Call US Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) and Jim DeMint (R-SC) and ask them to lead the charge.

Sample Message: "I'm calling/writing to ask Senator ________ to lead an effort to use the US Constitution to assert the supremacy of Congress and stop Obama's unlawful Amnesty orders that bypass the Congress, our elections, the public, and the Constitution. Americans should not suffer under a dictatorship, and we should not suffer any form of Amnesty for illegal aliens like the one Obama has created by fiat!

Senator Jim DeMint (SC)

167 Russell Senate Office Building

United States Senate

Washington, DC 20510

DC Phone: 202-224-6121

DC Fax: 202-228-5143


Senator Jeff Sessions (AL)

Washington, D.C.

326 Russell Senate Office Building

Washington, DC 20510 -0104

DC Main: (202) 224-4124

DC Fax: (202) 224-3149


Step 2: Please contact the 2 US Senators from your state with a similar call followed by a written version. When you are done calling your US Senators, then please call as many US Senators as you have time for today.

US Senate Contact Info List

Step 3: Make sure you help us saturate the US Senate today. Always remember when so many of us called against Amnesty in 2007 we shut down the US Capitol phone system! The lawmakers certainly remember. Also, make sure that you have bombarded your state lawmakers with the poll and messages we gave you yesterday. Today, Americans in all states are thinking about the US Supreme Court ruling and how they want their state to stand up like Arizona. Here is yesterday's alert, please make sure you have saturated your state lawmakers with appeals to stand up against illegal immigration on the state level...

Volunteers Needed to Prep for Supreme Court Ruling on Arizona's Law

Do not be dismayed and do not wait for some talking head on your TV screen to tell you it is time to move. The elites have that locked down this time and it is up to us!

Rally ALIPACers! Let's get on the phones together today by the thousands!

William Gheen and The ALIPAC Team

PS: Your feedback, suggestions, questions, concerns, and updates on your progress are welcome at this activism support link....

ALIPAC Amnesty Defense Plans in Motion: Rally To Us!


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