Friday, December 18, 2009

Buy This Book: Papercut – The Apophis Conspiracy

An interesting article from about international forces that are trying to move the world off of America's currency, the dollar. For more interesting stories like this click here to follow this blog.

Buy This Book: Papercut – The Apophis Conspiracy
By Debbie Schlussel
After the 9/11 terrorist attacks occurred, there was evidence that Middle-Eastern parties in the know short-sold stocks and bet financially on the decline of the stock market. Although some naysayers claimed it wasn’t true, the evidence remains.
I’ve always believed that the best carnage our enemies could wreak on us is financial, not bloody. Enemy forces could manipulate our markets, banks, and currency very easily . . . if they wanted to. The Saudis and Emirati princes could pull all of their investments and our banks and major corporations would likely collapse.
But what if they did worse? What if our enemies–Islamic terrorists, Chinese Communists, and even a Nazi’s son–combined to take America down and make our dollars even more worthless than they are now? Completely worthless. What if they eliminated top economic authorities and officials?
Those are the initial salvos of Paul Karcher’s thrilling novel, “Papercut: The Apophis Conspiracy.” I’ve provided a positive blurb for Paul’s book jacket, and you may have noticed the ad for the book on the right side of this page. That’s because I enjoyed this book immensely and endorse it wholeheartedly. You can buy it here.
At 286 pages, “Apophis Conspiracy” is a fast, fun read. And regardless of the financial machinations of the book, it’s got action, murder, and American patriotism and heroics–it has it all. And it has suspense and excitement. Once I got into it, I couldn’t put it down. It’s not just a thriller for smart people, it’s something we can feel happening right now.
The chaos this financial takedown inflicts across America–created far more easily than authorities have planned for–is vividly described. And the mastermind of the plot is extremely relevant.
As I read this book, I envisioned the movie, and who would be cast in the role of protagonist John Schmidt, a successful financier and investor who is a college dropout but likes the accoutrements of the good life, like sailing.
Like author Karcher, a career financial advisor and top investment house executive, he is a whiz at math and at finance. Schmidt’s ability with numbers and prediction models makes him a sought after commodity by the federal government, who enlist him to figure out what’s going on and help save the day. (And there is also Schmidt’s love Kate, a nurse who’s no dummy.)
Not politically correct, Paul Karcher goes into the motivations behind those who want to inflict pain–economic and physical–on America. And he’s not afraid to describe Islamic terrorists filled with hatred of the West, or Chinese Communists who want to beat us at every game and turn us into their China.
Ironically, when Karcher wrote this book, the economy wasn’t in the disaster in which we now find ourselves. Mortgage bailouts and sundry corporate ones hadn’t happened, nor were they even on the drawing board.
But he envisioned the economic apocalypse that could take place and was ahead of his time. Now, he’s right on the mark. And that’s why his adventure is so real-time, so believable.
Many times in the past, I’ve complained on this site about best-selling novelists and their pap-filled thrillers sympathizing with Islamic terrorists, the “root causes” baloney, etc.
Paul Karcher’s “Papercut: The Apophis Conspiracy” is the anti-dote. It has what those novels are missing. And it’s not just formulaic drivel. On the contrary, it’s an entertaining, brilliant thriller for people paying attention. And, sadly, it’s all too possible.Buy this book.

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