A great article from www.badeagle.com !
Malkin, Mercer, and Schlussel on Sotomayor
by David Yeagley
Michelle Malkin certainly isn’t impressed with Barry’s SCOTUS pick, Sonia Maria Sotomayor, particularly with the “compelling life story” bit. She said,
If Sotomayor were auditioning to be Oprah Winfrey’s fill-in host, I’d understand the over-the-top hyping of her life narrative. But isn’t anybody on Sotomayor’s side the least bit embarrassed by all this liberal condescension?
Michelle Malklin
But why should anyone be embarrassed? Liberals say no wrong, think no wrong, and do no wrong. That must always be considered. Then Malkin says,
Republicans are not allowed to mention Sotomayor’s ethnicity lest they be branded bigots, but every Democrat on cable television harped on her multicultural “diversity” and “obstacle”-climbing
Sonia Maria Sotomayor
Well, Ilana Mercer calls Sonia “Lady La Raza.” (Ah, but Mercer is some kind of “libertarian.” Maybe she gets a pass.) Mercer, without mercy, compares Sotomayor to the “intellectual pigmy” to which acting president Barry is married, and notes Barry also “seems wedded to the idea of entrenching her ilk everywhere.” I don’t think we can hit harder, Ms. Mercer. How positively indelicate. (Only another woman could say these things about a woman!) Thank you, Ilana Mercer.
Ilana Mercer
Now, Debbie Schlussel fires off a round or two herself. She first plays the “spade” card, and notes Jennifer Lopez (J-Lo) and her standard, ‘compelling’ Puerto Rican life story; then says Sonia (So-So) is a replay of the same story.
Sonia has done nothing remarkable, that she got every single place she got for one reason: that she’s a female Latina and got affirmative action for it. That she has the same background and life story as J-Lo.
And in case anyone missed the point, Schlussel says,
Well, find me another person who isn’t a Puerto Rican female from the South Bronx, whose sole claim to fame is that she’s a Puerto Rican female from the South Bronx. It’s ridiculous. That she’s a Puerto Rican female from the South Bronx–just like J-Lo–is all we’ve heard about her qualification. Her actual “experience” and appointments are a giant house of cards based solely on those identity politics.
Debbie Schlussel
This is really heavy material here, from three of the loudest female commentators in the country. And then there’s Ann Coulter, who, true to her lady-like rapier approach, completely dispenses with such ‘in-your-face’ street level thuggery of her esteemed and most feminine colleagues. Ann always goes for the jugular–of the political jugglers behind the stage. She says,
After aggressively blocking Estrada’s nomination to a federal appeals court during Bush’s first term solely on the grounds that he is Hispanic and was likely headed for the Supreme Court — according to Senate Democrat staff memos — now Democrats have the audacity to rave that Sotomayor will be the first Hispanic Supreme Court justice!
If Sotomayor is not more empathetic than Estrada, liberals at least consider her more Hispanic — an interesting conclusion inasmuch as Sotomayor was born in New York and Estrada was born in Honduras.
Forty-four of 48 Senate Democrats voted to filibuster Estrada’s nomination to the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, with congressman and professional Hispanic Raul Grijalva assuring them that just because “he happens to be named ‘Estrada’ does not give him a free ride.”
So this is Democrat racism. Not just racism. It is politically specific.
Ann Coulter
Well, I certainly appreciate these perspectives. I must say, the only thing that really gets to me about Sotomayor is the fact that I can’t figure out what a Puerto Rican is! I’m a nationalist, but, Puerto Rico isn’t exactly a nation, or even a specific culture. I can remember a time when there wasn’t a Mexican in New York, and all things “hispanic” were basically Puerto Rican. As I have said, however, Puerto Ricans in America are known as profoundly mixed-raced. They’re not called “mulattos,” because they are not white (WASP) and black, but “Spanish” and black. That’s something else. (So then, is Spanish not white?)
Sotomayor is obviously completely white, not black, neither “Taino” Indian. (And let me point out that the Indians on the island who were called “Taino,” are not American Indian, but South American Indian, apparently from Venezuela.) But, this is all somewhat moot, since Sotomayor is not from Puerto Rico. She’s from New York.
Maybe this kind of mix is more useful in America’s Democrat politics. She counts as a person of color, but isn’t. (How can a “white” person be a person of color?) She counts as a Puerto Rican, but isn’t from Puerto Rico. She counts as a woman–but has no marriage, and no children. Well, that’s not a fault. But, will she have empathy for wives, mothers, and children?
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