Thursday, March 19, 2009

Change the world this way?

Here is an interesting article if you want to change things at a local level! Hat tip

Get involved in local politics! Become a precinct committeeman. !
Posted by Brian Hibbert (Profile)

Do you want to get involved in politics and advance the conservative agenda? I do. One thing I recently found out is that the local GOP in my county and, from what I understand, most counties in the country are short of precinct committeemen.
When I called my local county GOP to find the location of the township caucus, I was offered a job! It seems that they have a lot of trouble filling the committeeman slots in local townships. I have agreed to consider the position pending some more info that he will be sending me and I assume he will be checking my name in the voter roles to make sure than I really DO take Republican ballots in primary elections.
Some of the duties of the precinct committeeman are:
1. Registering new voters. In Illinois, a precint committeeman is automatically a deputy registrar.
2. Helping local candiates build canvasing lists and canvasing the neighborhood.
3. GOTV efforts. Calling party members to make sure they can get to the polls or get an absentee ballot.
4. Finding election judges for your precinct.
5. Becoming a poll watcher.
On doing some internet searching, I also found several copies and variations of this article:

The Most Powerful Office in the World is NOT the President of the United States.

While the claim in the title is a bit exaggerated, it does make some fairly good points. If you want to make a difference in politics, the precinct is the place to start.

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