My 100th Post!!
I wanted to send this article which does make an unusual point that most Muslims don't prefer to live in majority-Muslim countries yet still want to make other countries into Muslim majority countries, or at least into Dhimmi (submissive to Muslim Sharia law) countries. I do hope you find this interesting. James Capo made reference to the Islamic division of the world in his public bible lecture in El Paso in 2007 so you can read this as a follow up to that.
Fitzgerald: Where Muslims prefer to live
There are, within Robert Spencer’s General Evisceration of CAIR’s Omer Subhani, some details that deserve to be held up for special inspection.This is the part that struck me the most. Spencer says:
What's more, the Spanish Muslim Ibn Jubayr (1145-1217), who traversed the Mediterranean on his way to Mecca in the early 1180s, found that even Muslims preferred living in Crusader lands. He lamented that near Tyre he passed a series of farms where "the inhabitants were all Muslims, but they live in comfort with the Franj [Franks, or Crusaders] -- may Allah preserve them from temptation! Their dwellings belong to them and all their property is unmolested....Now, doubt invests the heart of a great number of these men when they compare their lot to that of their brothers living in Muslim territory. Indeed, the latter suffer from the injustice of their coreligionists, while the Franj act with equity."Does anyone doubt that Muslims today flock to non-Muslim lands because they are better run? They are safer, the lives of the citizens are more secure, and the possibility of redress against authority is greater. There is access to the wonders of the modern world that are the product of a mental freedom, and an absence of the inshallah-fatalism that is the hallmark of mind-forged-manacled Muslims. So any Muslim in his right mind of course wishes to live in Great Britain, say, rather than in Pakistan, or in France rather than Algeria or Morocco, or in the Netherlands rather than in Morocco or Turkey, and so on. Even Turkey? Yes, because Kemalism did not go far enough, and the remains of the pre-Kemalist Day, that is Islam, are all about, and indeed now being relentlessly revived. But these Muslim "refugees from Islam" do not recognize that what they find and like in the West is precisely owed to the fact of the West's non-Islamic history. And so, quite unlike previous refugees, such as those from the Nazis who worked to warn people about the Nazis, and refugees from Russia or Eastern Europe or China, who worked to warn people in the West, where they found refuge, about the menace of Communism, about the threat from Soviet Union and Communist China, Muslims in the West come not to warn the West about Islam. Rather, they bring with them the very Islam that has caused their own countries to be so unpleasant or unlivable in the first place. They do not see this. They are "slaves to Allah," or rather, slaves to Islam as a Total Belief-System. And while the morally and intellectually most advanced see this, and some of them become apostates, others are afraid to follow them in this, or are tied down by filial piety. They have a desire to retain, as many feel they must, "cultural" or "family" ties. They do not wish to suffer the ostracism that they fear they will suffer (and they have very good reason for that fear) if they do indeed break openly with Islam.Only the very most advanced, and the bravest, dare to see Islam for what it is and what it inculcates. Only the bravest and most advanced dare to see the actual content of its texts, its tenets, its attitudes -- the very attitudes that they hear expressed openly in Muslim-only gatherings, where the hostility to Infidels is not hidden. Some of them hear this with horror, but many others hear it and are prompted not to break with Islam, which often means breaking with their families. Instead, they choose to hide or disguise that anti-Infidel feeling that they know about, know all about. They decide to lie about it in order to protect their coreligionists -- whether out of embarrassment or out of fear that Muslims may lose their truly "protected status" in the lands of the Infidels. In those lands so far they are allowed to essentially retain a loyalty to Islam, and therefore to the Shari'a and to a general worldview that necessarily bespeaks permanent hostility to the Infidel nation-states, to the legal and political institutions of those nation-states, in which they now live and of which they have even been permitted, by those too ignorant to understand Islam, to obtain citizenship.
The One Key Kernel of Truth in RFK Jr.’s Latest False Measles Claim
No, nutrition is not better than vaccination.
12 minutes ago
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