I wanted to send this article because it shows how to create your own blog, similar to the one I have, and the best news is the blog is FREE! Another advantage that blogs have is that they don't come with a lot of the baggage that "social" sites like Myspace, Facebook, and YouTube have where a lot of the people tend to go on and on about themselves. Of course you can incorporate those into your blog also, if you want. Anyway, I wanted to let you know about this opportunity if you want to take advantage of it!
> > One of the best ways to get your ideas across is to> start a blog or website. If people can come and read what> you have written about this or that, and if you make it> clear why you are saying what you are saying, your readers> may begin to think along the same lines that you do. This> is an advantage. Also, if you have put your ideas in> print, they will be somewhat less likely to be misquoted or> misinterpreted. I say somewhat less likely, because in my> experience, I find that people do misinterpret what I have> written. But I find that not many people quote me> inaccurately.> > I keep coming back to this theme. It is easy and> costs no money to set up a blog on www.blogger.com. It> takes a lot of time, and you do have to climb a learning> curve. But the benefits are very great. You can learn how> the Web works. You can start multiple blogs on different> topics. You can use these blogs to promote your ideas,> your business, and your career. > > I don't see why most people don't have a blog. I> realize I'm a writer, and that most people are writers. > But most people have ideas. Most people feel very> passionately about some of these ideas. So, I don't> understand why most people don't have a blog in order to> get across to other people whatever their ideas are.> > One of the most useful blogs would be a blog that did> a lot of book reviews in a narrow field. People are lazy. > They want to get a quick overview of a particular book. > The will not read 500 pages, but they're willing to read a> four- or five-page review if it's on a topic you're> interested in. So, why not provide these reviews free of> charge? Why not use a book review site to establish a> reputation as an expert in a particular field? The site> will save people time and trouble, and at the same time> you'll get a much greater mastery of whatever books you are> reading. There's nothing like writing a book review to> make certain that you really understand the book. And if> you understand the book, why not share your information> with other people?> > I wrote for my college newspaper every once in a> while. This didn't give me a very broad audience. The> first writing I ever did for money was book reviews in the> local newspaper. This was extremely valuable for me. I> didn't get much money, but I got a free book, and I got to> see myself in print. Writers like to see that. It> increased my confidence in my ability to write. I needed> that. You probably need it to.> > There is a least a possibility that your children will> come to the site to read what you have to say. Maybe they> won't read it every day, but once in awhile they will, and> will see what you have to say. I don't see why most> businessmen don't have a blog site, if only for this> reason. If they don't see their children very often, at> least their children may see their blog sites every once in> awhile. > www.garynorth.com
All Five Senior Hamas Commanders Eliminated by the Israeli Air Force in Gaza
And just like that, the world is a brighter place.
45 minutes ago
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