This is a follow up to the previous article here
Ex-Border Patrol agents convicted in shooting released from prison
By Ramon Bracamontes and Gustavo Reveles Acosta / El Paso Times
Posted: 02/17/2009 09:33:32 AM MST
EL PASO - Former U.S. border patrol agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean were released from prison Tuesday, but will remain in a community confinement program until March 20, U.S. Bureau of Prison officials said.
The two agents had been in prison since 2007. President George W. Bush commuted their sentences before he left office.
Traci Billingsley, bureau of prisons spokeswoman, said Tuesday that the two men are out of prison and under the "supervision of the community corrections office for a period of community confinement."
Community confinement means the sentenced person has to spend the last phrase of their sentence either in a halfway house or in home confinement.
Ramos arrived in El Paso on a flight that arrived about 12:45 p.m. Tuesday. He was greeted by family and well-wishers and made no comment to the media. Compean arrived in El Paso on a flight that arrived about 3:50 p.m. Tuesday and also declined to speak to themedia.
Dallas criminal defense lawyer Ed Mason, who represented Compean in his appeal, said Tuesday morning that he had not yet talked to Compean but was awaiting his phone call.
"I think he might be on his way to El Paso," Mason said in a telephone interview. "We haven't been able to talk to him yet."
U.S. Rep. Silvestre Reyes, D-Texas, didn't know that Ramos and Compean had been released until the media told him during a news conference at Aoy Elementary Tuesday morning.
"This is great news for both Ramos and Compean, and obviously for their families. I'm happy for them," he said. "Had I had my druthers they should have been commuted with Scooter Libby. Certainly, if he deserved it, they deserved it."
Billingsley said she could not release where the two agents would spend the last month of their sentence, but it is possible they could spend it at home.
Compean had been in the Elkton Federal Prison in Elkton, Ohio. Ramos was at the Phoenix Federal Prison.
The two former agents were convicted of shooting a drug smuggler and then trying to cover it up. Compean was sentenced to 12 years and Ramos to 11 years in prison. Both agents were found guilty of civil-rights violations and discharging a firearm during the act of a crime, an offense that includes a mandatory 10-year sentence.
Help! My Husband’s Relatives Have an Intense “Cultural Tradition” About
Visits. I Can’t Take It Anymore.
There’s gonna be an international incident if this doesn’t stop.
1 hour ago
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