I do like Buchanan's take on domestic issues. He is one of the few voices that will take on Obama this way and also one of the few people that talks about Mexico's invasion of the U.S. For this I would consider him a Great Patriot!
Unfortunately sometimes on foreign policy I disagree with him. He recently wrote a book saying that WWII was Churchill, not Hitler or Japan's fault, http://www.amazon.com/Churchill-Hitler-Unnecessary-War-Britain/dp/030740515X/ref=pd_bbs_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1218829035&sr=1-1 which does make some good points, but minimizes the agression of the Axis. He also wrote a recent article here http://townhall.com/Columnists/PatrickJBuchanan/2008/08/15/blowback_from_bear-baiting that says innocent Russia was provoked into attacking Georgia. I do understand that Russia does have a paranoia about being surrounded by hostile enemies, but the 20th century was about Russia/the Soviet Union being an aggressor state, not acting out of defence.
In spite of this though, I do consider Pat Buchanan a Great Patriot! This book http://www.amazon.com/State-Emergency-Invasion-Conquest-America/dp/B0012F48DC/ref=tag_dpp_lp_edpp_ttl_in and this book http://www.amazon.com/Death-West-Populations-Immigrant-Civilization/dp/B0002XH6SY/ref=pd_sim_b_3 are two of the Best books around for describing what is happening now in America!
Isn’t it way past time that Hamas-enabler Turkey was expelled from NATO?
This is just part of the reason why. BREAKING: Turkey’s President, Erdogan,
release a statement claiming “JERUSALEM IS OUR CITY.” Turkey is now
directly th...
34 minutes ago
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