Thursday, June 14, 2012

Tennessee mega-mosque leaders defy the law

A very interesting post from about a Mega-Mosque in Tennessee. This follows this post about Saudi Arabia sending its citizens to the U.S. This follows this article about American energy independence and preventing money from going to hostile countries such as Iran and Venezuela. For more that you can do to get involved click HERE and read this very interesting book HERE!

Pamela Geller: Tennessee mega-mosque leaders defy the law

Big surprise here. "Mega-mosque leaders defy the law," by Pamela Geller in WND, June 13:

On May 30, a Tennessee judge struck a blow for freedom, ruling that construction of a mega-mosque in rural Murfreesboro, Tenn., had to stop. Yet despite this court ruling, the Islamic Center of Murfreesboro is defying the order and working furiously to build the mega-mosque. Bomb threats have even been made to the courthouse of Chancellor Robert Corlew, who issued the ruling. Nonetheless, warriors for freedom are fighting on and have filed an injunction to stop construction.

These Islamic supremacists behind the Murfreesboro mosque (a mosque board member has posted pro-Hamas material to his Facebook page) are defying American law as they continue to build at a more furious pace, once again demonstrating their contempt for American jurisprudence and adherence to the Shariah. This is an Islamic pattern. We saw this same contempt for American law when Islamic supremacists behind the Muslim Brotherhood rabat in Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn, violated court orders to halt construction of their own mega-mosque on quiet, residential Voorhies Street.

And just as in Brooklyn, Murfreesboro’s dhimmi city officials refuse to enforce the law. In Murfreesboro, David Jones, director of building codes enforcement, has continued to state “no comment,” but has refused to issue a stop-work order. Is someone greasing his dirty palm?

Opponents of the mosque in Rutherford County have filed for an injunction seeking to stop construction. They state that they have “grown weary with the local government’s derelict response to the chancellor’s order. … [I]t’s inconceivable that the Islamic Center of Murfreesboro continues to ignore the chancellor’s order. Although they have proclaimed to be law-abiding citizens, their assertion is hollow. Ignoring the laws of Tennessee is no longer acceptable from the County government or the Islamic Center of Murfreesboro.”

Even worse, the day after the judge’s ruling, the Rutherford County judicial building was evacuated due to a bomb threat. A search of the building was conducted while officials blocked off the street and the area surrounding the building.

Was the bomb threat related to the ruling? Perhaps – but we will probably never know, because local “journalists” aren’t making any effort to find out. They clearly don’t think it’s news.

Who decides what’s news and what’s not? If a bomb threat had been made to the Murfreesboro mosque, the American people would have been beaten to a pulp with it. Who decides which bomb threat is newsworthy?...

Read it all.

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