Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Obammigration: Saudis Pay $5.3 Billion For 65,000 Saudi Students Now “Studying” in the U.S.

A very interesting post from about Saudi Arabia sending its citizens to the U.S. This follows this post about women in Saudi malls. This follows this article about American energy independence and preventing money from going to hostile countries such as Iran and Venezuela. For more that you can do to get involved click HERE and read this very interesting book HERE!

Obammigration: Saudis Pay $5.3 Billion For 65,000 Saudi Students Now “Studying” in the U.S.

By Debbie Schlussel

It’s official: Barack Obama brings in 65,000 America-hating Muslim aliens each year.

According to the U.S. Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, we now have at least 65,000 Muslim foreign alien students “studying” in the United States, courtesy of Saudi Arabia. Since that’s more students than there are Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents, do you think we are keeping an eye on all of these students? An eye on even a fraction of these students? Dream on. And as I’ve reported on this site many, many times, a good number of these “students” never attend class, sneak weapons on planes, commit dry runs for terrorist attacks (or actually try to commit the acts for real), beat and rape women, and try to recruit for terrorist activities. One of them, a Wisconsin resident who stopped going to class, spent his time terrorizing guests at Madison, Wisconsin’s Edgewater Hotel. And so on. If you think this is only because of Barack Obama, think again. This is a Bush-Obama thing. As I reported on this site, President Bush–patron saint to the Saudi Royals–quadrupled the number of Saudi student visas in the U.S. to more than 30,000. It appears Obama then increased the number to 65,000. That’s a scary number–and that’s in addition to 102,000 Saudi visitor visas the Obama administration issued in just one week, last year. If even a small fraction decided to plot against America–and a number of them already have–we’re in trouble. And we are. The excuse is that if they are exposed to us, it will make them like us better–a specious argument that has been disproven time and again. Just ask Sayyid Qutb (Bin Laden’s mentor) or Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, both of whom studied here.

Shukran [Thanks], American Dummies!

(Saudi 9/11 Flag By David Lunde/Lundesigns)

A scholarship program sponsored and paid for by Saudi Arabia . . . has sent hundreds of thousands of young people overseas in the past seven years to improve their job prospects and open the conservative kingdom up to the outside world.

Those accepted for the King Abdullah Scholarship Program are given a monthly stipend, and the government pays for them to take family with them. Women who receive the awards must travel with a male companion.

This year alone about 130,000 Saudi students are studying abroad, half of them in the United States, said James B. Smith, the U.S. ambassador to Riyadh.

The stated goal of the program, which the Arab News daily in December reported cost more than 20 billion riyals ($5.3 billion), is to prepare Saudi nationals to replace expatriate workers in better-paid technical jobs in the kingdom, reducing unemployment.

But a secondary ambition of making Saudi Arabia a more open society has always been more or less explicitly acknowledged by the authorities.

Hilarious. “More open” would mean churches could be built there or Jews and Christians could enter Mecca. “More open” means people with Israeli passports and Israeli stamps in their passports could enter the country. “More open” would mean Saudi Arabian royals, including FOX News co-owner Prince Al-Waleed Bin Talal, would stop funding homicide bombers and bidding in their telethons. And that they’d end their participation in the Arab boycott on Israel. None of that will ever happen.

The only thing that will happen is that people who hate America will have an American stamp in their passport and might have visited Disney World. Big deal. Levi’s and Subway don’t make these people love America.

Get a clue, conventional wisdom slaves.

I had Saudi student neighbors, who moved out a few months ago, and I’ll be writing about that horror story in the near future. “More open”? Riiiiight.

I learned all I needed to know about Saudi students from them and Homaidan Al-Turki.

By the way, don’t look for this 65,000 per year number to go down in a Romney Administration. No matter who is elected, the number will go up because we tolerate and don’t insist on a candidate who is more than just a tad better than Obama.

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