Monday, June 18, 2012

Slam President Obama for Amnestying Millions of Illegal Aliens

A very interesting post from  calling on Barack Obama to rescind his unconstitutional amnesty. This follows this previous post about it. This follows this post about Marco Rubio's DREAM Act. This follows this post about the Black Caucus hurting Black Americans with their immigration stand. This follows this post about how to Report Illegal Immigrants! For more that you can do to get involved click HERE and you can read a very interesting book HERE!

Slam President Obama for Amnestying Millions of Illegal Aliens

DHS and the White House have just announced an amnesty for illegal aliens under the age of 31 who came to the United States under the age of 16. The illegal aliens would be allowed to remain in the United States and would receive work permits. This means that at least 2 million illegal aliens would be allowed to stay and compete against jobless American workers for an ever-decreasing number of jobs.
Clearly, President Obama doesn't care about the 20 million Americans who cannot find a full-time job. Please send the president a fax and tell him what you think about his executive amnesty.

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