An interesting story from about abortion funding in Obamacare. This follows this post about Planned Parenthood teaming up with the Occupy Movement. For more that you can do to get involved click HERE and you can also get a very interesting book HERE!
No Surprise White House Knew Obamacare Didn’t Ban Abortion Funds
Wouldn’t it be nice if, by some act of magic, a law that endangers unborn children could be transformed into a life-affirming statute? Unfortunately, such magic does not exist; in fact, not even an order written by the President can modify language passed by Congress and signed by the President.
In an email written by then-Justice Department employee and well-known Harvard Law Professor Laurence Tribe, to then-Solicitor General (now Supreme Court Justice) Elena Kagan on the day that the Affordable Care Act passed the House of Representatives, Tribe gushed “[s]o health care is basically done! Remarkable. And with the Stupak group accepting the magic of what amounts to a signing statement on steroids!”
The “signing statement on steroids” that Tribe refers to is President Obama’s Executive Order 13535, characterized by the White House as “reaffirm[ing] [the Affordable Care Act’s] consistency with longstanding restrictions on the use of federal funds for abortion.”[1] However, as Tribe clearly recognized, the EO did not “reaffirm” existing law, and certainly did not “cure” the major abortion-funding flaw in the ACA—the absence of a comprehensive prohibition on the use of federal funds for abortions and abortion coverage. In fact, the EO would more accurately be described as “smoke and mirrors” rather than “magic.”
Shocking! USA Already at Authoritarian Rule
As the world watches, concerns are growing that democracy in the United
States is under threat. A scary interview on LBC with Simon Marks, Global
4 minutes ago
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