A very interesting post from http://www.redstate.com/ about al-Jazeera and Green Peace opposing domestic energy independence. This follows this post about al-Jazeera and Green Peace opposing domestic energy independence. This follows this previous article about encouraging American energy independence. This is a key issue to prevent money from going to hostile countries such as Iran and Venezuela. For more that you can do to get involved click HERE and you can read a very interesting book HERE!
You can also write your two Senators about the Keystone XL pipeline HERE!
Echo Your Support for the Keystone XL Pipeline: Secure, North American Energy
In the face of high prices at the fuel pump and global events that threaten oil supply, the United States has the opportunity to actually do something about it. The Keystone XL pipeline, which will carry 700,000 barrels of oil per day from our ally, Canada, as well as from the Dakotas, Montana, and Oklahoma to Gulf Coast refineries, will mean greater national security, a stable fuel supply, and economic growth in the US.
Before this vital project can proceed, the Department of State must issue a Presidential Permit to allow the pipeline to cross from Canada into the United States. After years of environment review, the Department of State concluded that no significant issues exist that should prohibit this project from moving forward. Now, the Department needs to hear why this project is in the nation’s best interest – the final step in the permit’s review process.
Take Action: Please write Secretary Clinton and tell her that increased energy security and economic growth are clearly good things for this country. The Administration must grant the President Permit as expeditiously as possible so Americans can realize these tremendous benefits.
More information on how Keystone XL will fuel the American economic recovery and bolster American energy security while safeguarding our environment can be found here.
Donald Trump’s Imperial Presidency Is a Throwback to a Greedier, Pernicious
THE OBSERVER – OPINION: His attempts to bully and exploit the weak hark
back to an era when the US emulated the worst aspects of the British empire
Donald ...
1 hour ago
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