An urgent post from about attempting to get John Boehner to pass an immigration enforcement bill. This follows this post about the recall loss of Russel Pearce. This follows this post about how to Report Illegal Immigrants such as the 30,000 openly illegal immigrants in the border town of El Paso, where President Barack Obama recently bashed immigration enforcement! For more that you can do to get involved click HERE and you can read a very interesting book HERE!
And Remember when contacting public officials to please be firm but respectful. Any over the top messages could result in law enforcement action against you. Just let these politicians know that you are aware of what they have done and that you intend to remove them from office in the 2012 elections.
Urge Speaker John Boehner to Back Mandatory E-Verify Legislation
Rep. Lamar Smith has introduced legislation, H.R. 2885, that would require all businesses in the United States to use the E-Verify employment verification system. This legislation has been referred to the House Ways & Means Committee for its several provisions that mention the Social Security Administration. Unfortunately, Ways & Means Chairman Dave Camp has refused to act on this legislation.
House Speaker John Boehner holds great sway and has the power to force Chairman Camp to take up this legislation. Please fax Speaker Boehner and urge him to support this legislation and ensure it makes its way through the House so that millions of unemployed Americans can find jobs by the end of the year. Be sure to encourage him to pressure Chairman Camp to take up this legislation!
Among its other provisions, H.R. 2885 would:
Open up jobs for 22 million unemployed Americans by phasing in E-Verify over two years, starting with the largest companies first.
Protect the identities of Americans by requiring SSA to send a yearly notification to each owner of a Social Security number that has income reported by multiple employers and may have been stolen by illegal aliens. Requires employers to run through E-Verify those employees who likely have stolen the number from the legitimate owner.
Most important, this law does not increase costs for the Social Security Administration or require any private information to be shared with the Department of Homeland Security
Please help to put millions of Americans back to work by pressuring Ways & Means Chairman Dave Camp to act on H.R. 2885, the Legal Workforce Act, a very important piece of job-creating legislation!
The Legal Workforce Act, introduced by Rep. Lamar Smith, will require all businesses to use E-Verify within 2 years. This important piece of legislation can quickly open up more than 7 million jobs currently held by illegal aliens for unemployed Americans.
The Legal Workforce Act requires the Social Security Administration to notify employees when their Social Security number is being used multiple times. This provision will dramatically reduce identity theft, while also helping millions of unemployed Americans find work by freeing up jobs currently held by illegal aliens.
Why are the Republicans on the Ways and Means Committee protecting jobs for illegal aliens instead of releasing the Legal Workforce Act for a vote on the floor? Don't you want to put jobless Americans back to work?
Please support the Legal Workforce Act by pressuring Chairman Camp to bring it up for a vote. This bill would have an immediate impact on fighting identity theft and helping America's unemployed!
Donald Trump’s Imperial Presidency Is a Throwback to a Greedier, Pernicious
THE OBSERVER – OPINION: His attempts to bully and exploit the weak hark
back to an era when the US emulated the worst aspects of the British empire
Donald ...
1 hour ago
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