An urgent post from about E-Verify in the House. This follows this post about linguistic unity. This follows this post about how to Report Illegal Immigrants such as the 30,000 openly illegal immigrants in the border town of El Paso, where President Barack Obama recently bashed immigration enforcement! For more that you can do to get involved click HERE and you can read a very interesting book HERE!
And Remember when contacting public officials to please be firm but respectful. Any over the top messages could result in law enforcement action against you. Just let these politicians know that you are aware of what they have done and that you intend to remove them from office in the 2012 elections.
Join Our E-Verify Twitter Campaign
WEDNESDAY: Encourage House of Representatives to Schedule a Pro-Jobs E-Verify Vote!
Dear Twitter Activist,
Members of the House of Representatives are a savvy bunch. The use of Twitter, Facebook, and other social media in politics has increased exponentially in the last few years.
We need a coordinated Twitter push on WEDNESDAY to encourage House Republicans to include The Legal Workforce Act in their job creation strategy!
As you probably have heard, HR2885, The Legal Workforce Act, mandates the nationwide use of E-Verify, which will free up millions of jobs currently held by illegal alien workers.
Below, we have set up a bunch of links that will automatically fill in the text for you to Tweet if you are logged in to Twitter. If you are not logged in, you will be prompted to log in and then it will still automatically fill in the text after you do. All of these messages link E-Verify to opening jobs for currently unemployed Americans and legal workers. We used the hash-tags that we know Republican House Leadership monitors.
Please send as many of the messages below as you can throughout the day tomorrow, concentrating your efforts between 12-4pm EDT.
Any time you have a spare minute, send another one. This will make our effort seem multiplied, and we already have thousands of Twitter users on this alert!
#WeCantWait for Congress to pass #Everify to open #jobs for millions of unemployed Americans
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Passing @LamarSmithTX21 #Everify bill will help open up #jobs for millions of Americans
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7 million illegal aliens hold non-agriculture #jobs in the US. Pass #Everify #4jobs.
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82% of Americans support #Everify that will free up #jobs for unemployed Americans. #WeCantWait 2 act #4jobs!
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22 million Americans can't find full-time #jobs. Pass #Everify! #WeCantWait 2 act #4jobs!
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Help #OWS get back to work! Pass #Everify to open up #jobs for unemployed Americans!
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Should new #jobs go to illegal aliens? Passing #Everify will ensure they don't. #WeCantWait 2 act #4jobs!
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#Everify is good enough for Congress. Shouldn't it be good for Americans looking #4jobs?
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Keep illegal workers out of US #jobs! Pass #Everify! #WeCantWait 2 act #4jobs!
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Help unemployed Americans get back to work! Pass #Everify! #WeCantWait 2 act #4jobs!
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If Congress cares about opening up #jobs for unemployed Americans, they'll pass @LamarSmithTX21 #Everify bill.
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#WeCantWait 2 act #4jobs! #Passthebill that would make #Everify mandatory!
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#Passthebill = $447 billion. #Everify = $0. #WeCantWait 2 act #4jobs!
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#OccupyEverywhere with #Everify. It will open up #jobs for unemployed Americans!
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It's time for Congress to pass #Everify to open up 7 million #jobs held by illegal workers.
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F&E Founder Christina Tobin Discusses Trump EOs on NewsNation
Free & Equal founder Christina Tobin joins NewsNation’s Keleigh Beeson to
discuss checks and balances after Trump orders deportation of gang members.
1 hour ago
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