A very interesting post from http://www.westernpac.org/ about Occupy Wall Street. This follows this previous post about it. This follows this previous article about it to encourage American energy independence. This is a key issue to prevent money from going to hostile countries such as Iran and Venezuela. For more that you can do to get involved click HERE and you can read a very interesting book HERE!
Occupy Wall Street's misguided anger
Dear Patriot,
Yesterday, I shared part of my analysis of the financial meltdown with you. I said clearly that I sympathize with many of the protesters about the failure of Wall Street in regards to the financial markets. I still remember watching the value of my home collapse, watching as one by one people close to me were let go and laid off from their jobs, and seeing foreclosure signs popping up in my neighborhood. While all that was happening, Wall Street executives were taking billions of dollars in bonuses. AIG went so far as to have Chris Dodd and Timothy Geithner change bailout language to allow them to pay their failed executives $165 million dollars in bonuses with some of the $170 billion dollars in taxpayer bailouts.
Decisions made on Wall Street literally destroyed millions of American lives, and it was their lack of prudence that caused skyrocketing unemployment and plummeting home prices. They failed the American people and while we suffered incredible hardship, they used their influence in government to keep their gravy train going. In a free market, they would have suffered the consequences of their bad decisions, but they had an ace up their sleeve: they controlled the Federal Reserve and the Treasury.
When they needed a bailout, former Goldman Sachs CEO Hank Paulson was there to deliver $700 billion dollars worth of bailouts. Paulson and Fed Chair Ben Bernanke scared Congress into passing the Troubled Assets Relief Program (TARP) under the premise that Paulson would use that money to buy the toxic assets that we talked about yesterday. After passage, Paulson changed his mind in favor of giving the banks a “cash infusion,” or gigantic handout. Paulson, Bernanke, and Timothy Geithner had already manipulated the free market when they arranged shotgun marriages between Merrill Lynch and Bank of America, and Bear Stearns and JP Morgan. While they helped consolidate power for some, they also let Lehman Brothers fail. After letting Lehman fail, they changed policies and opened up the Federal Reserve discount window to investment banks. This policy shift would have saved Lehman, but conveniently for Goldman Sachs it came just hours too late. Hank Paulson used his government position to eliminate one of his firm's largest competitors.
Despite promises to the contrary, Obama continued Wall Street’s control of fiscal policy by reappointing Wall Street favorites Ben Bernanke (Fed) and Timothy Geithner (Treasury). Obama famously said to 13 Wall Street bankers, “I’m the only thing between you and the pitchforks,” and he has been delivering for them ever since.
I sympathize with the “Occupy Wall Street” protestors because when I joined the Tea Party movement, I wanted to see the criminals who caused this mess serving long prison sentences. I started researching how the whole thing happened, and what I found was that the people who needed to be put in prison were GOVERNMENT officials. The irresponsible Wall Street executives deserved to fail and suffer the same fate as the American people they stole from, but the true criminals are the corrupt government officials who betrayed the American people by manipulating the market in exchange for favors. As the ranking members of the House and Senate committees that oversaw fiscal policy, Barney Frank and Chris Dodd were the worst offenders. They were joined by a long list of bipartisan bastards who sold us all out, and as I learned, I focused my anger towards both defeating the corrupt politicians and electing patriots who would investigate their criminal behavior.
I could go on and on about how the government, at the behest of Wall Street, engineered the financial collapse, and for the sake of brevity have left out information about Clinton’s deregulation, the “Affordable Housing Act,” and hundreds of other corrupt policies purchased for pennies on the dollar from crooked politicians. Hopefully, the “Occupy Wall Street” protestors will realize the same way I did that the only reason Wall Street was able to rob the American people -searching to satisfy their unquenchable greed - was that a large group of corrupt politicians took control of a government that had far too much control over our lives. The solution is not MORE government; the solution is FAR LESS government.
I believe in limited government, personal responsibility, and FREE markets. The markets have been manipulated by a government that is far too powerful. I hate the corrupt bastards whose reckless gambling sank our economy, but I blame the corrupt government that both let them do it, and then protected them from the consequences that they had earned. I pray that these protestors will educate themselves and make the logical decision to join our political movement that is going to restore our great nation.
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Dustin Stockton
Co-Founder, Western Representation PAC
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