An urgent post from about immigration amnesty laws in California. This follows this post about national E-Verify being blocked by the House GOP. This follows this post about immigration amnesty in Rhode Island. This follows this post about how to Report Illegal Immigrants such as the 30,000 openly illegal immigrants in the border town of El Paso, where President Barack Obama recently bashed immigration enforcement! For more that you can do to get involved click HERE and you can read a very interesting book HERE!
And Remember when contacting public officials to please be firm but respectful. Any over the top messages could result in law enforcement action against you. Just let these politicians know that you are aware of what they have done and that you intend to remove them from office in the 2012 elections.
Deep Defense needed in CA, Victories in RI and AL
Friends of ALIPAC,
By now, many of you reading our homepage at are aware of our victory in Alabama where a judge has upheld most of the strongest state level illegal immigration fighting legislation in America. This decision is a big defeat for the Obama administration and will have far reaching positive influence for the American Defender team in the future. ALIPAC worked hard to pass that law in AL and soon we will deploy our network to circulate it to other states as we successfully did with AZ's SB 1070!
Yesterday's protest in Providence, Rhode Island, was a great success! Over 500 Americans like you turned out. Talk radio shows really got on board and those shows combined with brave state lawmakers proved to be a successful combination. Governor Chafee in RI is in deep trouble now for his support for in-state tuition for illegal aliens. This time, the Americans showed up and the illegals did not! More info and action items on RI and AL soon. Special thanks to each ALIPAC supporter who attended, spread the word, or called to ring the phones off the hooks in the RI legislature yesterday! More details on our homepage.
Today we need all ALIPAC volunteers from all states to play deep defense in California.
Our main objective in CA has been to relay the horrible state of affairs illegal immigration has caused in our most populous state to the rest of the nation while bringing resources from all other states to bear in California where ALIPAC's largest financial and volunteer base resides.
We would really like to do more on the level of state legislation and state campaigns in California, but we have been unable to fill our position for a state coordinator in California yet. Hopefully, someone with the drive and dedication will step forward soon.
For now, we must play deep defense.
Please take the following steps.
The illegal alien supporting Governor of California, Jerry Brown, has four days (till Sunday) to veto 4 bills that support illegal immigration or they become law.
The chances Jerry Brown will veto these destructive bills are low, but we must try our very best!
Please take 2 minutes of your time today, Friday, and Saturday to...
1. Call Jerry Brown's main office (916-322-7152) to say "I am calling to ask Governor Brown to veto the illegal immigration supporting bills AB 131, 353, 1236! These bills give a form of amnesty to illegal aliens and help illegals take American jobs and classroom seats at taxpayer expense at a time when California is desperate for funds. Jerry Brown should represent Americans instead of illegal immigrants and should VETO 131, 353, and 1236!"
Remember to change your message around a bit before you call it in.
2. Once you have made your call, send a written copy of your distinct message by email or Fax. Fax # 916-558-3160
Email access via
3. Please feel free to post any responses you get from Jerry Brown's offices in California, or any suggestions, or a copy of your distinct message at ALIPAC's online activism tracking link here. If you do not have an existing account you may request one at .
ALIPAC activist tracking link....
For your info, AB 131 gives illegal aliens 40 million dollars in grant money to replace American kids in California colleges. AB 353 stops police from impounding the cars of illegal aliens at highway checkpoints. AB 1236 stops local governments from mandating e-verify to stop hiring illegal aliens.
Our ALIPACers on the ground in the California illegal immigration disaster areas need your help today. They have paid the bills and called your states when needed. Today it is time to reciprocate!
Let's roll!
William Gheen and The ALIPAC Team
Americans for Legal Immigration PAC
Post Office Box 30966
Raleigh, NC 27622
'Now Is the Time to Break Glass’: Chris Hayes Reacts to Schumer interview
Mar 20, 2025 | “It makes it very hard to imagine a leader ‘meeting the
moment’ if they don't believe the moment is here,” says Chris Hayes on
Chuck Schumer...
25 minutes ago
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