A very interesting post from www.debbieschlussel.com about Israel and Hamas. This follows this post about Al-Qaeda in Libya. This follows this post about Miss USA 2010 and this article about the recent news about the former ban on offshore drilling which would encourage American energy independence and prevent money from going to hostile countries such as Iran and Venezuela. For more that you can do to get involved click HERE and read this very interesting book HERE!
“Evil” Israel Trains HAMAS’ Gaza Farmers to Grow Better Crops, Compete Against Israeli Farmers
By Debbie Schlussel
While you constantly hear the same old narrative that “evil” Israel is oppressing the poor HAMASnik people of Gaza, here’s what’s actually going on: Israel is giving educational training courses to Gaza’s HAMAS farmers so they can live to bomb and terrorize Israel yet another day. But don’t expect to see any of this in the mainstream media. And don’t expect Israel to provide this kind of training and these resources to its own people. Yet, all we hear about is how horribly Israel is treating these people who elected their own HAMAS government, a government that should be spending its own money helping its people, not Israel’s money. If there should be a floatilla about anything, the Israeli people should be protesting this enabling of sworn enemies of Israel. Why the heck does Israel have a “Directorate of Agriculture Coordination and Liaison in Gaza?” It’s frickin’ absurd. The soil in Gaza is no different from the soil in the rest of Israel, where farmers can also grow strawberries and flowers. Essentially, Israel is training the terrorists to compete with and defeat its own citizens on the crop market. Extremely Dumb. And despicable.
Stupid to the Nth: Israel Trains HAMAS Strawberry Farmers to Defeat Israeli Farmers
An educational program for Gaza Strip farmers:
The Coordination and Liaison Administration exports strawberries and flowers from the Gaza Strip to markets in Europe
Head of the Directorate of Agriculture Coordination and Liaison in Gaza, Uri Madar, held a conference with major Gaza Strip farmers on Wednesday, July 20th, preparing them for cultivation and export of crops for next year. An Israeli specialist attended the conference, teaching those present proper cultivation and pest-control methods.
Mr. Madar said that the program is, “Intended to help Palestinian farmers prepare for the November export season including soil preparation, crop treatment and appropriate use of pesticides and fertilizers. We hope to improve crop production after an unsuccessful year, where the crops were deemed inadequate by European consumers. The strawberry specialist thus presented the production process, taught of different types and uses of pesticides and fertilizers, and of post-picking treatment, which is the most important and delicate step.”
Lt. Col. Kobi Gertzvolf, Head of the Directorate of Financial Coordination and Liaison in Gaza, added that “we want to help Palestinian farmers properly grow and use pesticides to improve next year’s crops in both quality and quantity, in hope of increasing exports to Europe and thus improving profits and the Palestinian economy at the Gaza Strip.” He added that “it is evident that the participating farmers had a great time and learned a lot.”
I’m sure they had a great time. They voted for HAMAS AND they get the stupid Jews to teach them how to grow more and better crops so that they can make more money to give to HAMAS to spend on rockets and other attacks on Israel. Remember, these people support a government that has Gilad Schalit, an Israeli soldier, as a captive. And Israel rewards them for it.
Just sickening. BTW, the pic above says it all. Wife #4,Hamida, is busy breaking her back in the field picking strawberries, while her hubby is inside planning the next attack against the “evil JOOOS” and assembling bombs with the strawberry profits.
And this isn’t the first time that Israel has enabled and trained its enemies to compete against its farmers. As I recently wrote, Israel trained West Bank Fatah farmers to grow cucumbers and compete against Israeli vegetable farmers. It’s disgusting.
Israel should stop enabling terrorist-supporting farmers. The world doesn’t notice. And when it does, it doesn’t care and still hates Israel, anyway. (Thanks to Dr. Aaron Lerner of IMRA for the tip.)
One other note: this is why I never buy flowers that say, “Grown in Israel.” Israel trained West Bank Muslims to grow flowers and compete against Israeli flower growers. While it is impossible to know where the flowers are from, usually they are grown by Muslims in the West Bank, who’ve now dominated the market, thanks to Israel enabling the enemy.
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