Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Movie Expelled

An interesting article from http://www.ucg.org/  about a Movie called "Expelled." This follows this post about America's power.   For a free magazine subscription or to get this book for free click HERE! or call 1-888-886-8632.

Got out today to see a movie, “Expelled”, by Ben Stein. I found it a fascinating expose of bias in the academic community when it comes to the debate between intelligent design and Darwinism. Stein bases his movie on the cause of academic freedom and uses imagery of the Berlin Wall to juxtapose the story.

What I found intriguing were the frank admissions from die hard Darwinians of the process leading to atheism when one adopts the central tenets of evolutionary theory. Scary and without hope.

If you believe in Darwin’s theory you won’t like the movie. If you at least care about freedom of thought in academic circles you should see the film. Highly recommended.


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