Monday, September 13, 2010

Machete: A VERY IMPORTANT Movie Review!

A timely post from about the movie Machete. This follows a previous post from about what you can do to get better candidates this election cycle. This follows this post about American jobs being threatened by importing more workers and this post about the MURDER of ROBERT KRENTZ, who the protestors and boycotters won't give a solution for, but will call Americans racist for trying to prevent another MURDER, and this post which shows that there are 30,000 openly illegal immigrants in the border town of El Paso. For more interesting stories like this click here to follow this blog.


More Machetes: And Where Is The Catholic Church?—Cheering "Latino Power" On

By Rob Sanchez

[See also Machete: It's How Hollywood Really Sees Us By Alexander Hart]

I decided to go to the movie Machete to see for myself if it lives up to its reputation as hate-filled fantasy-fulfillment for Open Border fanatics. (Answer: yes). Since Hollywood considers every ticket sale as a vote of approval, I went to one of the big cineplexes and paid to see
Expendables. Then I saw Machete
sneaking into the neighboring screenroom after Expendables finished. My plan worked because nobody at the movie theater checked my documents. I confess to being an undocumented movie watcher!

But the one thing I didn't anticipate is that Expendables is another bad movie that portrays white men as evil devils! In retrospect, I wish I had bought a ticket for Machete!

The Expendables showcases a group of post middle-aged white mercenaries who are led by Sylvester Stallone. Arnold Schwarzenegger makes a cameo appearance. Stallone and his buddies all look like they have been over-dosing on steroids and human growth hormone (HGH). They are covered with gaudy tattoos and drive loud Harley motorcycles.

Their mission: to take down a Latino dictator. Later in the movie, we find out that the dictator is merely a puppet of an evil white drug lord who used to be a CIA agent. It comes as no surprise that the dictator has a beautiful light-skinned Latina daughter, played by Charisma Carpenter. She is tortured by a white sadist.! Fortunately she is rescued by Sylvester Stallone, who is rewarded with the offer of some love making with the hot Latina daughter. Instead of taking advantage of the opportunity for sex he just falls asleep.

After non-stop gun fights, stabbings, dismembered body parts, spurting blood, gore, explosions, and car chases the entire Latino army and the two despots are killed, and the king's palace is obliterated.

Expendables has several things in common with Machete. One is that the exploding heads, dismembered bodies, spraying blood etc. look so similar in both movies that it's a sure bet both studios used the same digital animation software.

And neither movie came with a disclaimer saying: "No white people were harmed during the filming of this movie."

If you don't mind graphic gore, Machete is an entertaining movie that is campy and ethnic, but its political message is obviously the most important reason it was made. Its propaganda impact cannot be underestimated, even though the movie will be advertised as a spoof of Blaxploitation movies. It contains powerful and compelling messages that may well influence people who are confused or misinformed on the immigration issue. Even worse, it may well encourage people who are already inclined to violence to use it to solve what they perceive as social injustices caused by immigration enforcement.

Some of the major points audiences will learn as they watch Machete:

One of the first scenes takes place on the border between Texas and Mexico. A group of white vigilantes make a sport out of chasing down illegal aliens and shooting them with high-powered rifles. A white man riding with the vigilantes (played by Robert De Niro) is campaigning for Senator. The Senator guns down a pregnant Mexican woman while she is on her knees begging for his mercy. She sobs with tears dripping down her innocent cheeks as she explains that she can't run because she is pregnant—but that only serves to give the cruel Senator a perfect excuse to execute her. He asks his Minutemen cohorts to videotape the execution because his supporters will give his campaign more money if they see him killing Mexicans.

These vigilantes are a perverted caricature of the Minutemen, mixed in with Hollywood clichés of Southerners and Klansmen. Some people say the leader of the vigilantes (Don Johnson) is a parody of Joe Arpaio, although personally I don't think it's a good match. But it's no coincidence that the villainous Senator has similarities to Russell Pearce or perhaps Tom Tancredo.

The movie doesn't get any better as time goes on.

Machete (played by Danny Trejo) is the name of the hero of the movie as well as the weapon of choice that is used in the movie for chopping off heads. After an opening scene in Mexico where he watches his own mother's decapitation by ruthless thugs, he is next seen three years later looking for work as a day laborer in Austin, Texas. He is such a bad-ass looking dude that a rich white guy (Jeff Fahey) hires him to assassinate the Senator. Of course, by now everyone in the audience is supposed to be convinced that the Senator deserves to die.

The plot thickens. We find out that the Mexican drug cartels have a fiendish plan to support the Senator's election campaign because he wants to build an electrified border fence, which Drug Lords figure will allow them to jack up the price of illegal drugs.

Surprise! Surprise! The top drug lord of Mexico is a white guy played by Steven Seagal. He isn't a very convincing Mexican even though he has a deep tan. At his compound in Mexico, he is surrounded by beautiful women, but oddly they are almost all Asian. I'm not sure what that was all about. Maybe parts of the movie making were outsourced to Hong Kong? Or maybe the Asian ladies were there because Robert Rodriguez, the writer/ director/ producer, is an outspoken fan of John Woo's grade B movies.

The heroine of the story is played by Michelle Rodriguez. Michelle runs a taco stand that is actually a front for a secret underground network that smuggles illegal aliens from Mexico across the border to the U.S. We find out later that she is actually a communist revolutionary named "Shé". Get it? Just to make sure that the audience gets it, there are wall posters in her hidden headquarters that resemble a female version of Ché Guevara.

One of my biggest complaints about the movie is that there were very few women that really looked like dark-skinned Latinas. Perhaps the dearth of Latinas is a concession to the target audiences—mostly Hispanic males who have a notorious fetish for light skinned blondes. Still, it would seem that the movie could have shown some pride in the Latino race by casting an exotic Brazilian actress or even a real Mexican. What's not to like about dark-skinned women with black hair—especially if they were fully nude like the white women in the movie?

After bloody confrontations of all types, the movie concludes with a showdown between Mexican revolutionaries and a group of white militants. The revolutionaries send text messages to ordinary Mexican workers, who leave their jobs as dishwashers and landscapers to join the battle against the gringos. In a comic reenactment of the Alamo, they surround a group of white militiamen and vigilantes. There is an epic showdown as Mexicans arrive driving Chevy "hopping cars" armed with machine guns and guided missiles. The cars bounce up and down in a show of force as the doomed white racists hunker down for their final battle against the forces of justice and humanity. Suddenly the Mexicans attack, in a scene that resembles a medieval castle storming.

Predictably, all of the white racists are slaughtered. Machete leads the way, chopping off the heads of anyone that gets close to him. As the movie ends, the Mexican uprising against the white oppressors continues—presumably until the Mexicans take complete control of America.

The political ideologues who wrote the script get in a few final blows. A sensuous Latina ICE agent played by Jessica Alba (see how un-Mexican she looks here) has a conversion to Open Borders radicalism when she concludes that enforcing immigration laws is an unjust way to earn a living—and she notices that Machete is a real hunk. Like a reborn evangelical, she jumps up on the hood of a car and car and yells to a growing mob of machete-wielding Mexicans: "We didn't cross the border, the border crossed us!"

Significantly, she makes a fraudulent visa for Machete so that he no longer has to be an illegal alien—but he shows his total contempt for U.S. citizenship by refusing to take it. He says he can go wherever he wants without documents.

When Machete turns down the documentation, Alba the ICE agent, who is dressed in sexy black leather biker clothes, jumps onto Machete's chopped Harley motorcycle. And they ride off into the sunset.

The credits at the end of Machete promise there will be at least two sequels. By that point, the idea seems like more of a threat than a promise!

Full credit is given to the State of Texas for subsidizing the movie. That's the last laugh—Robert Rodriguez used taxpayer money taken from Texans to help pay for a movie that glorifies the destruction of Texas and the death of its majority white population. (To read more about the Texas connection with Machete read my preview as well as this review by Alexander Hart.)

Rodriguez decided to make Machete into an intense piece of political propaganda instead of just a fun film. In the end, it's a vicious and irresponsible call to war by racially-motivated radicals who want to destroy the United States. The inflammatory scenes at end of the movie make it very clear that full-scale revolt will continue until all white people in the U.S. are killed—or at least until the border with Mexico is erased.

Rodriguez has tried to absolve himself of responsibility for the movie's potential for provoking racial violence and denies he really meant to call for war. He has also insulted the intelligence of Arizonans by trying to convince us that the notorious recut movie trailer with the "Message to Arizona" opening was a big joke, saying:

"I simply wanted to make a special trailer that was as absurd as what was happening in Arizona. So I took some coincidentally timely lines of dialogue from the old original fake trailer from 3 years ago and from the new movie, reconfigured action beats, and cut it all out of context to make it look like the entire film was about Machete leading a revolt against anti-immigration politicians and border vigilantes. What can I say, it was Cinco de Mayo and I had too much tequila."

Robert Rodriguez interview, Cool News, May 19, 2010

So far the Main Stream Media has mostly avoided mention of the movie's glorification of anti-white violence and scary anti-Americanism. Expect this type of attitude to dominate the liberal media:

"Many will say this is a film with hidden 'political' meanings. Are you nuts? The political meanings are hanging out everywhere, none of them are hidden…who cares? It's a great film, it's funny, it's gory and the cast is one of the best I've seen all year long. IT ROCKS!!!!!!! Leave your political beliefs in the car, enjoy the film!"

Robert Rodriguez releases "Machete", by Terra King, Las Vegas Examiner, September 3rd

The Catholic Church News Service has rated the movie a richly-deserved "O" for being morally offensive. But its rationale is deeply disappointing:

"The film contains much gore; myriad acts of violence; sacrilegious behavior and banter; blatant sexuality, including much upper female nudity; semi-graphic encounters; pervasive rough language and profanity; considerable innuendo; torture; and vigilante justice. The Catholic News Service classification is O—morally offensive."

John P. McCarthy, Catholic News Service

But note that the Catholic reviewer didn't seem to have a problem with the idea that Mexicans are justified in using violence against anyone who wants sane immigration policies. He even wrote:

"But by championing the rights of undocumented workers and pushing Latino power more generally, Rodriguez gives his latest a thought-provoking veneer that can be recognized apart from its perversities and stylistic aplomb."

Indeed, the reviewer swallows the claim that illegal aliens are merely victims suffering because of U.S. immigration policies:

"Finally, no one watching Machete can fail to think about the real-life suffering caused by the drug trade and the migration of the desperate across the U.S.-Mexico border. Fortunately, in the real world, there are individuals and organizations that stand up for the less fortunate without employing Machete's immoral methods. "

I suspect the reviewer's main objection is the portrayal of the priest, played by Cheech Marin, sadistically crucified inside of his own church, whom we then find out that he was an ex ICE agent who got into the church business when he tired of arresting Mexican illegal aliens. One of the coolest, albeit sacrilegious, lines is uttered when the priest takes one of his double-barreled shotguns, points it at one of the evil white guys who is pleading for mercy, says, "God has mercy. I don't", and blows off the white guy's head.

Above all, the Catholic News Service reviewer fails to mention the blatant racism if the movie. Apparently he thinks racism aimed at whites is no big deal.

For, make no mistake about it—the Catholic movie review service doesn't hesitate to complain about racism when it's white people who are the racists. (example 1example2example 3)

Shame on the Catholic Church (into which I was born, by the way) for being so two-faced on the subject of racism!

I recommend that, if you choose to see Machete, you attend with at least one friend for safety. Try to avoid neighborhoods that have high numbers of Latinos. If you happen to see it with the wrong crowd, you might be placing yourself in danger as you walk to your car.

Unfortunately that means if you live in places like Los Angeles today, you might have a long way to drive.

Rob Sanchez (email him) is a Senior Writing Fellow for Californians for Population Stabilization and author of the "Job Destruction Newsletter" (sign up for it here) at To make a tax-deductible donation to Rob Sanchez, click here.

Machete: It's How Hollywood Really Sees Us

By Alexander Hart

Steve Sailer noted in 2002 that Hispanics, despite growing to a larger proportion of the population than blacks, had virtually no pop culture impact in films because

"…in our imaginations, America remains a white and black country. When American moviegoers think about 'celebrating diversity,' what they think about are films with black cops and white cops learning to overcome their differences as they pursue the bad guys."

In an attempt to fill this void comes Robert Rodriguez's Machete—a film subsidized by the state of Texas (Rick Perry, Governor) and distributed by Fox.

Machete spoofs Blaxploitation films from the 1970s, and is widely described as "Mexploitation".

While Shaft and Superfly are seen as the seminal Blaxploitation movie, Machete takes its cue from the poorer produced and cheesier and more anti-white movies B-Movies such as Dolemite (1975)—a pimp repeatedly framed by racist whites whom he ends up killing, after he sleeps with their wives.

The movie begins in Mexico where Federale Machete (Danny Trejo) is set up by Mexican Drug Kingpin Torrez (Steven Seagal).  Torrez kills Machete's wife and leaves him for dead.  Machete escapes and moves to America under the help of a group of friendly smugglers and day labor leaders called "The Network" in Austin, TX.  The Network has an arsenal and plans an all-out violent revolution against the white racists.

At the same time a group of border vigilantes led by Lt. Von Jackson (Don Johnson) are driving around in Jeeps shooting illegal aliens.  He shoots a defenseless pregnant woman and explains how this is necessary because the child will become a U.S. Citizen.  He is joined by Texas State Senator McLaughlin (Robert DeNiro) who yells "Welcome to America" before shooting another defenseless illegal alien.

McLaughlin is running ads comparing illegal immigrants to parasites. He says we are at war, and makes putting an electrified border fence as his top campaign statement.

Machete is paid by a shady businessman named Michael Booth (Jeff Fahey), who is purportedly opposed to the border fence because he wants cheap labor, to kill the State Senator.  But it turns out that Booth is working for McLaughlin, and they wanted to set up a failed assassination attempt they could pin on an illegal alien.

It then turns out that McLaughlin and Jackson are stooges for the Torrez Cartel—who want the fence so they can shut out their competition. 

After surviving the set up, Machete exacts vengeance against the racists and leads The Network's revolution.  All the evil white racists end up dead, but only after he sleeps with their wives and daughters.

The one sympathetic American citizen is Mexican-American ICE Agent Sartana Rivera (Jessica Alba) who is described by the film's website as "a beautiful Immigrations Officer torn between enforcing the law and doing what is right".   By the end of the movie, she yells to a crowd of armed illegal aliens "we didn't cross the border, the border crossed us".

It would be futile to try to explain why each little piece of propaganda is factually and logically flawed, but here are a couple of nuggets. 

Machete does not pretend to be a serious movie. The movie is intentionally clichéd, corny, tasteless, and over the top.

This supposedly means we shouldn't take it seriously. 

Writes the New York Times,

"Conveniently timed to sprinkle gasoline on the fires of the immigration debate, Robert Rodriguez's splatter comedy Machete has already riled up hardliners in advance of its release. Although laughter is the appropriate response to this pulpy, lighthearted gorefest, its pro-Mexican, anti-American stance is so gleefully inflammatory that some incensed nativists may refuse to get the joke." [Growl, and Let the Severed Heads Fall Where They May, Stephen Holden, New York Times, September 2, 2010]

One can imagine how the New York Times would react to a movie where illegal aliens and their supporters are portrayed as sociopathic racists and murderers allied with drug cartels.  So long as it was portrayed in a "gleefully inflammatory" manner, I'm sure the Grey Lady would accuse anyone offended of being humorless.
While Machete is put together with a slapstick purpose, its creators certainly intended to promote the usual agenda.  On Cinco de Mayo, they recut the
trailer to open, "This is Machete with a special Cinco de Mayo message ... to Arizona."  
Certainly, anti-white racists are more than happy to champion it.  One popular movie website describes the film as "a salsa-covered middle finger to the forces in the US that have chosen to wage war against an entire race of people while hiding their insidious intentions behind the altruism of keeping America's borders safe." [
Machete, The Diva Review, September 3, 2010]
And in between the movie's obviously over-the-top violence and rhetoric, there is some non-ironic talk about how we have a "broken system". A group of disillusioned guards for one of the evil racists talk about how they realized that our immigration policy is unfair.

Apparently, we are supposed to take the movie's anti-white, pro-illegal alien agenda seriously—but we aren't supposed to take the suggestion that all opponents of illegal immigration are murderers seriously.

In a favorable review, Scott Mendelson argues,

"It is easy to dismiss the angry political threads running through Robert Rodriguez's Machete. While it's easy to simply say that 'it's just a comedic throwback to the exploitation films of the 1970s', one must remember that those films did indeed tackle the political and social issues of the day. Whether by coincidence or design, the film ends up being an uncommonly timely glance at one of the major political hot-button topics of the day. Because it is a violent action picture, it resolves its specific issues with confrontation and carnage, and it eventually becomes a form of wish-fulfillment fantasy. But in an age where we constantly complain of empty-headed mainstream entertainment, it is a disservice to both the film and to our own desire for relevant mainstream film-making to ignore the fiery conscience at the heart of this over-the-top piece of Mexican myth-making." [Machete, Scott Mendelson, Huffington Post, September 3, 2010]

I wholeheartedly agree, but from the opposite perspective: cheesy dialogue and grindhouse violence doesn't mean the anti-white, anti-American, treasonous agenda of this film should be ignored

We can thank Robert Rodriguez, Rick Perry, and Fox for giving patriotic Americans an honest look of how Hollywood really sees us

Alexander Hart (email him) is a conservative journalist.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That Vdare reviewer of Machete really busted the Catholics.

More Machetes: And Where Is The Catholic Church?—Cheering "Latino Power" On

By Rob Sanchez