Monday, June 6, 2016

Mob of Liberal Protesters Attack and Bloody Donald Trump Supporters After Rally

An interesting story from about the CONTINUED attacks on Donald Trump supporters This follows this post about Sarah Silverman. For two very interesting books click HERE.
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The violence from liberal protesters is continuing at events for supporters for Donald Trump. After a rally in San Jose, California, a left-win mob threw bottles at Trump backers — bloodying one Trump voter who spoke with the media after the violence.

Liberal activists have created a tense and violent-prone environment outside rallies for presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump for weeks. That potential for violence came to a head in New Mexico recently when one Trump voter in a wheelchair was assaulted.
Now the violence has spread to San Jose, according to the Daily Caller:
A Donald Trump supporter was attacked from behind and left bleeding after leaving a campaign rally in San Jose on Thursday.
Journalist Tim Poole was filming as a man is seen running up behind the Trump supporter and hitting him on the side of the head with an unidentified object. The victim is seen turning to look at his attacker and grabbing the side of his head, which had started bleeding.
Reporters circled the man after the attack and asked him if he had provoked the anti-Trump protesters.
“I was just walking out with my Trump sign and he grabbed my Trump sign and started following me and calling me a racist and stuff,” the man said.
Asked if he said anything when leaving the event, he said he was merely cheering the Republican.
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“I was just like ‘Yeah Trump, yeah Trump,’” the man said.
Conservative activist Erick Erickson is calling on pro-abortion Democrat Hillary Clinton ton condemn the attacks:
Last night at a Trump event, one of Trump’s supporters was surrounded by left-wing protestors. They threw eggs at the Trump supporter and bottles at her head.
This is unacceptable violence. Donald Trump did nothing last night to provoke this behavior. The lady in question did nothing to provoke this behavior. It is unacceptable.
In the past twenty-four hours, Democrats have begun targeting prominent donors to Donald Trump for public shaming and have now started assaulting Trump supporters.
Hillary Clinton and, frankly, Bernie Sanders need to forcefully condemn this behavior just as they demanded Donald Trump denounce his supporters’ behavior months ago.

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