Friday, March 4, 2016

March LIBERAL Madness Begins!

A timely post from about March Liberal Madness. This follows this previous post about censorship of conservative speakers. This follows this post about rap songs referencing Donald Trump.
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  • New Guard Inner

March LIBERAL Madness Begins!

 Posted by Cheri Cerame

Your club can dedicate a week towards the end of March to highlight the most outrageous statements made by liberal leaders. The Left never hesitates to remind the public when a conservative misspeaks. Yet, many outlandish remarks made by prominent liberals go unnoticed by the general public and the media.
You can use a bracket system similar to the NCAA Basketball Tournament to highlight 16 of the most radical liberals and their extreme statements. This activity will encourage participation from other students and, if marketed correctly, build anticipation about whom your student body picked as the "maddest" liberal in the country.
Young America’s Foundation has already compiled a  list  of sixteen liberal leaders and their top "moment of madness." But feel free to use your own!
Begin by reserving a table in the student union or another high traffic area on campus for the entire week. Announce your plans to the local and campus press and advertise that students can come by your location to begin voting.
Gore MLM MIchelle Obama MLMStreisand MLM
Create your bracket system on a dry erase board, chalk board, or poster board that can be displayed by your table. On each bracket, include the name and the picture of each leftist. Consider purchasing Velcro strips that can be attached to each name to allow you to move the name to the next series of brackets.
To assist with voting, make fliers or leaflets available which provide the "moment of madness" for each liberal. Keep a rolling tally on your display of the votes each liberal receives.
Create specific and well-publicized times when students may choose their favorites. We recommend that selection occur on consecutive days beginning on Monday with the top 16 and ending with the final two on Thursday. Each day, announce the winners from the previous round before proceeding with the next round of voting.
If marketed properly, anticipation should build among students as to which prominent leftist wins for the number one slot.

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