Thursday, June 19, 2014

Mary Landrieu: Abortion Okay if Baby “Can’t Live Outside” a Hospital

An interesting story from about Senator Mary Landrieu. This follows this post about Sharon Osbourne. This follows this post about a Sudanese lady in the news. For more that you can do to get involved click HERE and you can also get two very interesting books HEREYou can follow me at blogspot here and at twitter here Please consider following both in case one goes down!

Mary Landrieu: Abortion Okay if Baby “Can’t Live Outside” a Hospital

by Cortney O'Brien | Washington, DC |

Politics, State
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Mary Landrieu, a Democratic senator from Louisiana, disagrees with Gov. Bobby Jindal’s (R-LA) decision to sign lifesaving legislation into law. The Unsafe Abortion Protection Act, which was authored by a Democratic woman and had bipartisan support, could close three of the five abortion clinics left in the state by requiring abortionists to have admitting privileges at local hospitals and insisting that any facility performing more than five abortions has proper licensing.
marylandrieuThe bill would make an already unsafe procedure a little less dangerous. It’s common sense, really.
“This bill will give women the health and safety protections they deserve,” Jindal said.
Yet, Sen. Landrieu isn’t convinced. Here’s her contradictory response to the governor’s pro-life decision:
“Although I personally believe that life begins at conception, I believe the last place the government needs to be is in the church, in the doctor’s office or in the bedroom. And so even people who advocate for less government intrusion, like Gov. Jindal, get themselves in the most personal decisions a family could ever make. Some of the bills being passed around the country are just very intrusive to personal decisions and very harmful to women and girls, you know, to their physical health and life. It’s a shame… 20 weeks is not the norm for being able to live outside of a hospital.”

Landrieu may think she’s doing the right thing by feminist standards in opposing Gov. Jindal, but she fails to see the hypocrisy in her argument.
One word: Obamacare.
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What, I ask, is more intrusive than the federal government wedging itself between a patient and his or her doctor? Landrieu has continually defended the president’s unpopular health care legislation. In December 2013, she criticized the poor rollout of the bill on WAFB TV, yet still had no problem with the confusing content present in 3,000 pages of pure bureaucracy.

“The Affordable Care Act, as I said, the bill itself has got very good concepts and yes, I would support it again.”
Landrieu also insisted that Jindal’s approval of the abortion laws were “troubling” and not in line with “serving the people of Louisiana. Is she aware that the Pelican State was named the most pro-life state in the country in January? Perhaps, like Texas gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis, she is choosing to ignore her constituents’ passion for the unborn. Hopefully voters will keep that in mind and take a closer look at her GOP opponent Rep. Bill Cassidy come election time.
LifeNews Note: Cortney O’Brien is a Townhall web editor, where this was originally published.

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