Monday, January 13, 2014

Were Trayvon Martin’s Real Killers Barack Obama and Eric Holder?

A timely post about from about the current administration leaning on public schools to avoid enforcing school discipline. This follows this post about the Knoxville Horror anniversary.   In the meantime, you can get more involved if you like here and read an interesting book HERE.

Were Trayvon Martin’s Real Killers Barack Obama and Eric Holder? (My New VDARE Column is Up!)

Trayvon Martin—a Victim of the Obama/ Holder Campaign to “Disappear” School Crime
By Nicholas Stix

What has variously been called a “letter” and a “memo” from the Obama/Holder Justice Department was released (PDF) last week in effect ordering public schools, in the name of the law, to permit black and Hispanic students to break rules and even laws with impunity, while punishing white and Asian students for the same violations and crimes.

[Read the whole thing here.]

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